Sporcle will be my undoing

Apr 10, 2011 23:17

This is pretty much the most amazing collection of music ever put together.  (Here's the Sporcle game that goes along with it.)
(How dumb am I that I never knew "Mad World" was a Tears for Fears song?)

It struck me while biking to "Drone" this afternoon that Smallville is, for all intents and purposes, BtVS, sans likable characters, skilled actors, story arcs that can stand up under their own absurdity, or finely-crafted dialogue.  And yet, somehow it gave us Michael Rosenbaum's Lex.  I, for one, continue to be baffled.

And the rest of my weekend was sacrificed to TARDIS building.  I would be done by now if the package of NPN transistors I bought at Radio Shack a couple of weeks ago hadn't actually contained PNP transistors.  ::siiiigh::  At least I was headed to town after work tomorrow, anyway...

My room needs badly to be cleaned, and has done for a couple of weeks, but there's no point in doing anything about it until I'm done with the TARDIS.  It's driving me a bit insane, and having Hoarding* on in the background all afternoon long didn't help...although it did get me to throw out some absolute garbage I had been accumulating for no sensible reason.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try once more to get through "Life Serial," then read the fourth issue of The Stand (which has proven to be a rather incredible adaptation, although I do keep forgetting that I didn't listen to the extended version, so there are bits that I don't recognize.  Also, as I discovered this morning, reading the super-flu bits while eating oatmeal is not the very best of ideas.)

...it's gonna be a busy week.

* The inferior TLC version where they don't seem to ever actually _treat the underlying problems_ as effectively as the A&E show does.  Yes, I am snooty about the hierarchy of exploitative shows about people with serious psychological disorders.  I can also give you the full rundown on the various ghost investigation shows on telly today.  Yes, my life is very sad.

litgeek funness, craftiness, comics, how do i live?!, shows i watch even though they p me off, ...if you have no shame, joss whedon has stolen my time, life avoidance

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