Five thoughts after watching "The Menagerie, Pt. 1"

Feb 16, 2011 21:30

1) I have just added another eternal afterlife sentence onto the ones I already had for laughing so very, very hard at this.  In my defense, the only reason I was laughing at all is because, no joke, I was watching this episode of South Park last night.  I bet everyone thought I was going to be making Davros comparisons, huh?  Huh?  Nope, not this time.  Apparently, Matt and Trey are huge phrackin' geeks.
(Not that we didn't already know that, but dude.)

2) I am going to wait until I've seen Part 2 to give proper airing to my feelings about this plot, but I will give you this sneak preview: I would watch this any day over "Trial of a Time Lord."  (Sorry, Six.  I love you!  I don't love your episodes, but I love you.)

3) Pike gives me all new appreciation for Kirk.  Jeeze, I'm glad the broadcast pilot didn't have a five-minute "But I don't WANNA be a captain anymore...!" whinefest.

4) I kinda like the doctor, though.  He seems like a neat guy.

5) Talos IV is friggin' gorgeous.

trek, five thoughts

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