Also also, before when I said the actors who played Pavi and Luigi in Repo! were less convincing, I didn't at all mean that I wasn't convinced I truly abhorred the characters. The one line from "Mark It Up," in particular*, makes my soul vomit a little every time I think about it because it is, to an extent, played for laughs, and you KNOW there is a significant portion of the audience who actually does laugh. I'll get into this more when I do my end-of-month review, but I am SO VERY GLAD I didn't see this in theater when I had the chance, and I will never watch it with anyone I don't trust simply because I don't know what I might do if I heard people laughing at that point.
(If you're wondering why I've brought this up again, I've been listening to the soundtrack a fair amount over the past couple of days, which has led me to two realizations: 1) many of the songs are much more entertaining/catchier when you get over the initial "Seriously, what in hells am I listening to?!" reaction, and 2) the thing that I find most unsettling about it is not the part about having "Giles" growling some truly dark lyrics at me while using a recently-disembowled man as a handpuppet, nor is it the (ever-so-slightly) subtlerly** disturbing aspects of the father-daughter relationship, but instead it is how the Largo brothers are presented and what that says about the production's overall intent.)
Also also also, "You have your mother's eyes, her hair" Um...wig?
Also also also also, the GFP and I watched "Intervention" tonight, which prompted an even more intense experience of the "Spike, you creepy effing essohbee, what is your PROBLOHMIGAWDILOVEYOUSOMUCH!" emotional whiplash than I had the first time 'round. And Xander and Giles are just so many kinds of wonderful, I don't even know where to start.
(This post was originally just meant to be those first two words up there. The verbal diarrhea, I HAS it.)
* Which I will _not_ post, because I absolutely refuse to do that line the honour of being temporarily saved in Ianto's memory by cutting and pasting, but I will provide a link to the
song's lyrics for the morbidly curious; I think it will be pretty obvious what I consider the nadir. Please do not click if you are averse to reading many of the more vulgar expressions in the English language (like, y'know, that one I put in a subject line a couple of days ago)...not that I imagine anyone who reads what I've just written and still clicks the link really needs that warning. Oh, also, I should point out that he stabs a scantily-clad nurse in the abdoment and leaves her to die, writhing on the floor when he sings that line. At this point, I have to ask myself why I generally liked a film with elements like this but will inveigh against Soylent Green at every opportunity; simple answer: Luigi and Pavi are demonstrably, inarguably, unrepentantly villains, whereas Charlton Heston's character was the hero of the piece; complicated answer: I really don't know, and I'm a little ashamed of myself.
** Yeah, hush.