I'm sleepy.

Dec 03, 2007 05:56

Well, I’m officially finished with NaNoWriMo - as you already know. I love my job and I love the people that I work with…I just want to say that.

Part of my job is to edit ‘incident reports’ - IR for short - and to do this I get emails from the people that write these IRs. Because these people actually don’t like doing them, they actually think that I hate them too. I don’t really hate them. They give me insight to what they handle while I’m not around, and information that I would otherwise not know. All of this is beside the point I’m actually getting at…So they think I hate them as much as they do so to help me cheer up about them, they sometimes write me a little personalized message in the email to which the IR is attached. I bring all of this up because I had one of these personalized emails just tonight.

Subject: Hey Buddy

Body: Hey Maggie Midnight Maiden of the Desk,

Your beauty is like sun,

glaring...and able to make people sweat.

Your hair is like river of black satin,

smooth and pleasing to the touch.

Your voice is like a the morning larks sweet sweet melody.

The sky...Oh the Sky is in your eyes.

This is Joel’s doing. He has to be one of my favorites. No, I know that he’s one of my favorites. I was told tonight that I may throw this ‘favorite’ word around just a whole lot…but usually it’s true. I tell people that I like them all the time, but at the same time my favorite is different. I do have a lot of favorite people; it’s usually different for each the reason behind them being my favorite. I’m not going to stop saying that they are my favorite and that is that…

I’m sleepy and I think I’m ready to go home. Speaking of home, I officially booked my flight for my Christmas holiday. I will be Houston from the 21 to the 27. I have no plans and to be frank I’m excited. I like Christmas time. I don’t LOVE it like some of Clark friends but it is a cheerful time of year and the cheerfulness is slightly contagious. Well, it’s not catching in ALL parts. Depression is pretty high this time of year too. But, for the most part, it’s cheery. Everyone decorates and smiles are passed out with the generosity that should be year round…but isn’t.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure this didn’t make any sense at all…except one or two parts. That’s beside the point, yet again. I’ll write again when I have something worth saying to say or…when I get the urge. I may have tired myself out on the writing. But I will do it again and I will conquer the land of fictional writing if it kills me…I will!
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