Dec 31, 2008 08:46
Its New Years Eve!
My neighbors are celebrating by blowing things up.
They've been doing that since early this morning.
and last night. and since before christmas.
its not even dark out yet!
When I was here two years ago Stephen and I stayed at his moms house
for new years eve. a few minutes after midnight the street outside
exploded. we went outside to find all of his neighbors with wine
or champagne in their hands setting off all manner of fireworks.
ground fireworks and bigger explode-in-the-sky ones.
I was amazed that so many inebriated people had gotten their
hands on fireworks and were trying to light each other on fire.
seriously. the air was thick with smoke.
one neighbor propped a firework in an empty wine bottle and lit it on fire.
the crazy thing tipped over and shot down the street.
unsurprisingly the visits to the ER increase dramatically on New Years.
I am currently celebrating by musing over the works of Van Ecyk and Bosch
for my art history exam on monday. I think i might take a pause and wander
down to the grocery store to stock up on heineken (unless everyone
else has beaten me to it).