Title: All Narrow Jealousies
marseverlastingRating: NC-17
Pairing: James/Lily/Sirius/Remus/Peter (various permutations of)
Word Count: 13,501 words
Summary: When Lily discovers she's pregnant, a carefully balanced dynamic begins to unravel between the one she loves, the other one she loves, the other one she loves, and the other one she loves. A fractal
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Comments 1
Also, I love it when you compare Lily to Venus on the half shell. &hearts
Sirius questioning Remus about music is just love. Gah!
I carried a sword on special occasions. Anyone want to smoke up?
Ah Sirius, why are you so awesome?
"I'm not boring. I wanna go away too."
"Their relationship was really creepy and I think they were secretly cousins."
"C'mon, we can't be long or they - they'll wonder."
Oh wow, is this illicit? *raises eyebrow*
And Sirius is crying tightly, shoulders barely trembling with sobs, wiping away tears and snot with the back of his hand and trying to compose himself. "Of course I fucking wouldn't."
Oh Sirius!
"I'm always drunk," Sirius replies with a grin. "Aren't you drunk too?"
Stop it. You are driving me to drink and distraction. *is somehow not upset by this*
"Whomever," Remus says, flinching, and then Sirius sucks him off.OMG!!! Flailing! ( ... )
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