The Plot:
A 28-year-old Joey Fandel is living a life completely devoid of passion, enthusiasm, and happiness. He lives in a small Chicago studio apartment, and goes to a pointless desk job everyday. Joey begins to trace his lack of enthusiasm back to the last three weeks of his senior year of High School, when he first started to slowly lose his passion for everything. The monotonous days of going to Superwrite, British Literature, and Creative Writing slowly wore away at him until he had lost all hope for the future. The weekends, once a source for fun, slowly became tainted by the thought of another week at school. By the time that summer had begun, Joey had devolved into a lifeless, expressionless human being, sitting on his futon, growing a long beard and becoming increasingly smelly. He threw darts at pictures of Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Ronane, and Mrs. Mangold, cursing them for taking away his passion. He drifted through college, never finding his true calling, and wound up in a dead-end job where he worked day and night in a small cubicle. But then one day Joey is invited to his ten year High School reunion. He is reluctant to go at first, uneasy about his old friends seeing how unaccomplished he is. But then a word of advice from his sassy black friend/comic relief character encourages him to go. And so Joey goes to his High School Reunion, where he meets up with all of the old fellas. Where have they been all these years? Will Joey ever regain his passion for life? You'll have to see the movie to find out.
The Cast:
Jason Alexander as Jason Bockler
Elijah Wood as Jesse Hendryx
Jack Black as Michael Feldhaus
Jason Lee as Dan Viggers
Rick Moranis as Norm Burns
John Goodman as Steffan Clark
Keanu Reeves as John Griffith
Bob Saget as Nick Kerker
Jim Carrey as Aaron Curtis
Snoop Dogg as Nate Kurth
Bill Pullman as Me
And of course there will be lots of other past friends in the film; I just couldn't think of any celebrities to go with them. Hopefully there will be a happy ending in there somewhere.