Had to happen sometime...

Aug 12, 2009 15:20

Sparkling-fic! Which is beginning to need a name...

"So... I suppose I should be, ah, grateful and all, for you helping Mirage..." Trailbreaker was not at all sure how to handle what had so recently happened. He had just helped to, as the humans would say, 'deliver' a sparkling, and then... the Autobot still couldn't look Thundercracker in the optics. The interface had been good, no doubts there, but... he was a Seeker! A very... sexy Seeker, who was currently cooing over the new sparkling with Skywarp.

"Nighthowl," Thundercracker said. Looking up to meet confused optics, the blue Seeker grinned. "The winglet. This one's Nighthowl. I think the other might be Paracusia... What's yours, 'Warp?"

Stroking his own, it was white and either black or a very dark purple, Trailbreaker wasn't sure, Skywarp thought for a moment. "I'm not sure yet. It will be worked out... And no worries, 'Breaker. He's already given us more winglets, and that's never a bad thing. Anyway, we had fun."

Fun... yeah, Trailbreaker saw just how much fun they were having. "Which is why you can never seem to keep your hands off each other?" the black and red Autobot managed to ask, grinning. Mirage was actually recharging right now, with his blue-on-blue winglet, while Soundwave was with Starscream. They were actually all in the same room, Trailbreaker was surprised at his own ability to ignore what was going on.

That, of course, was the time Rumble ran in, looking downright scared. "Boss! Ya better... ah, hexnuts! Fine... Ah, TC... erm, 'Warp? One a'ya! Megatron's coming to find out just why none a'ya been t'a battle for the last three or four orns!"

"Ah, slag..." Thundercracker moaned, looking around. Most of the cassettes were gone, Shockwave, Visitant, and Stormsweep with them, but...

"Suggestion," and even though Soundwave currently had his digits deep in Starscream's cockpit and was holding the writhing Seeker still, his voice didn't sound particularly different from usual. "Let him come."

Silence for a long minute, and then Skywarp nodded. "Right! None of us will fight for him anymore anyway! Ooh... Pizazz! That's it's name, isn't it, my pretty little winglet, you're my gorgeous Pizazz, aren't you?"

Starscream was shrieking, drawn close to an overload that Soundwave was playfully denying, when the door opened again and Megatron stormed in. The painfully loud shrieks distracted him from his rage for a crucial moment, and the sight of Soundwave finally merging Starscream kept Megatron distracted long enough for all his rage to bleed away. "What is going on?" Megatron asked, simply confused.

"Soundwave and Starscream are interfacing," Skywarp answered, quite jovially. Neither he nor Thundercracker failed to miss the way Trailbreaker moved between them and the Decepticon Tyrant, and the Seekers smirked.

For his part, Megatron looked, well, downright surprised to see an Autobot, in his base, getting between him and his Seekers. "Why are you here?"

Trying not to show how frightened he was of Megatron, Trailbreaker made the slightest motion towards Mirage and the sparkling. "I'm visiting him."

"Forget that, why are you in our rooms? Go away, leave us alone," Starscream said, voice a little hoarse. Trailbreaker felt Soundwave come up beside him and had the rather odd experience of realizing that the telepath would fight Megatron with him if the tyrant made it necessary.

Megatron seemed to catch on to that as well, drawing back a little. "Where have you been for the last attacks? We need you..."

"Attacks unfeasible. We will not risk lives. Sparklings more important. Suggestion; end attacks and ask Optimus Prime for peace," Soundwave said. Trailbreaker thought he could hear the faintest tones of his past exertion, but the Autobot wasn't sure.

Megatron opened his mouth to argue with Soundwave, but it never got that far. An impromptu staring contest ended a moment later with Megatron leaving the Trine's quarters faster than was strictly decorous.

Hehehe. That was pretty fun... In other news, if I can get a spare $60, I can buy five more Universe Deluxe line Starscreams and make them into other Seekers! Yeah. I have odd hobbies. ^^

bunnies' fruition

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