Jan 22, 2006 06:53
Alas, the problems with Jacob I feel have yet to plateau, and I'm pretty sure it's my fault... my fault that I talked the police officer into leaving without his psychotic ass in a straight-jacket. He has proven himself mentally insane to me, and I may put out a restraining order on him if he doesn't get some professional help.
Okay, let's take a look at the scenario:
Jake doesn't want to talk about his problems. He wants to fight people because he thinks that they are OUR problems, and we should leave him out of OUR problems that all stem from HIM. I don't want to fight. I'm 21 years old, I think it's generally better to talk things out, even if it resorts to immature name-calling, than duking it out. So thats kind of what I did, as I referred to him as one of his old "buddies" that screwed him and a dozen other people over. He then got in my face and told me to call him that again. I didn't. I wanted him to realize the connection. He didn't. He started swinging. I started defending. Derrick got in the way, Jake kept coming. I lost it and punched him in- oh, what am I saying... I stole him in his grill (not THAT hard). Derrick and I had to pin him. We gave him SEVERAL opportunities to calm down, and get up to walk it off or something. Everytime he kept coming back to me for a fight. I his mental instability was getting worse, so I just fucking called the cops. Maybe more later.