Jan 08, 2006 23:44
To prove to myself that I'm not a fool. Of course, after drinking every other night this week, I'm seriously praying that enough of my brain cells survived that I can make it through without incident. I think, with the exception of one or two parties and possibly spring break, I'm not going to drink this semester. I have actually been approaching the mode where my tolerance is starting to build, and I'm not discovering the downside to anything- therefor I'm in a really dangerous place, as I can also recall that I really don't hang around any responsible people anymore, so I need to take care of myself in this fashion, and be careful. I also need to start excersizing again, in some fashion.
But hey, on the plus side, I seem to be seeing things slightly clearer. It's like I've been in some sort of foggy rut, and now I see there's a path that leads to the me I want to be. (<-- really fucking gay, but you know what? Fuck you). And evidently I've been cursing a lot lately. I think I'll try and cut back on that, simply for the fact that I'd like to be a bit more sophisticated of a rebel than a retarded rebel. And yes, I want to be a rebel, because rebels get bitches. I mean, rebels get women. Heheheh- AL-RIGHT!