Group A Session 12: Of elevator platforms, demons and zombies!! Brains!

Jul 02, 2012 12:03

Group A session 12
Of elevator platforms, demons and zombies!! Brains!

With all the loot the party retreats to the study to divvy it all up. They manage to identify most of it correctly, though a botched spellcraft spell on a scroll makes Ravion think a scorching ray is actually a burning hands. Tough luck for him, ha!

They figure they want to fix that levitating disc puzzle first. So they head back to the room and put Ravion on top. He figures out to think what direction. He thinks up, I roll a scatter die, he flies in the north-west corner of the room. Oddly enough his player managed to figure out with logic what up and down would be if 'up' was north-west. I just nodded. He was spot on, but afterwards I told him that his logic was cool and all that, but derived from a random direction. ;)

He snatches the gems from the lion-head and gets the lantern inserts. They connect the inserts and the lantern in the room connecting to the library. This is where they found the map with the tree on it. Their theory is that there must be another entrance to the dungeon at the tree stump outside that leads to the rooms described on the map.

They went outside and checked it out, but were wrong. So they decide to hop back to Brindenford to sell some things and order some upgrades. Kharzak mainly gets his hands on a masterwork heavy mace and Roa orders masterwork full plate from Aesa for 2000 gold. I figured she is good at making it, but it takes time and a lot of money. They also score a remove curse scroll to try to get rid of Chasmal's lycanthropy during the full moon after this one.

They also checked in with the sheriff, because they were concerned by all the Bestial Host activity in the area.

Then they head back to Dragon's Delve. Moonshade notices several Bestial Host parties walking around the forests. They decide to ignore them for now.

Back in the dungeon they head towards the 'demon room', as they call it. The room with the statues of Rivenyk. They manage to run through it quickly after spending about an hour getting 'poltergeisted' by the spirit. Statues fell over (they did that), daggers flew through the air and cloaks started choking players. They don't know what to make of this for now.

So they continued and I threw in the zombies. One got utterly destroyed by a greater turning attempt of the priest (of Lathander!) the rest they manage to pretty much kill. They figure out the mirrors near the end when zombies were getting back up, and Kharzak goes on a shattering spree. Very nicely played. Ravion even used a charge of the wand of burning hands, telling Summer to 'duck!' and taking the risk that he might hit her.

They had a lot of fun slaying zombies and everytime Roa's player had a chance to cleave they would all chant 'Cleave! Cleave! Cleave!' It was really kind of unnerving.

We called it there. We have one more normal session coming up and then a full day. Can't wait. They will probably breach the fountain of dreams by then. I am still in the process of properly physrepping water, but I'll figure out something (and I better do it fast).

[Mage gets elevated]

[Comparing maps]

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