Jul 09, 2008 13:26
On Illegal Immigration: This may ruffle feathers, but I'm going to write it anyway. The United States has an unrecognized slave caste in the form of the migrant workers from beyond its borders. Whether it's right or wrong, whether it's illegal or legal, the fact is that this caste of workers exists and if they were to leave or were forced to depart the US economy would fall through the floor. We are producing too much stuff to not have a cheap (not to mention mistreated and enslaved) workforce to make it for us. If the people who want a southern border fence get their way, we'll have to pay Happy Meal prices for an Orange or a bag of Grapes...and we'll be suckin' dicks (i.e. paying crack prices)for Happy Meals. This is what American industry has done to bury the nation's middle class and working poor and I think industrial types know they've created this suicidal slavery mechanism that will keep Americans from terminating their access to cheap labor.
On Bilingualism: It's not too much to ask Americans to help their children become bilingual. On top of the aforementioned slave caste living among us, the American dollar has been devalued to the point that the nation has become a cheap tourist destination for Europeans in spite of rising airfares and fuel costs. It's time to be a little humble and learn to stumble through a few words in an EU language. The tourists are coming and we need their currency if we're going to dig ourselves out of the hole in which we've been buried.
On Israel: Brussels is apparently looking at pulling Israel on trial for war crimes. I'm not up on my details, so I'll just say that there are people in US that consider Israel untouchable. Some of it has to do with the tragic experiences of the Jewish people and some of it has to do to with a very evangelical desire to actually see an apocalyptic nuclear war take place in the Middle East. It's time to stop treating Israel (the nation, not specifically the Jewish people now) like the golden boy who can do no wrong. To not acknowledge it as a nation like any other is continue to subscribe to the theories of inequality between Jew and Gentile that led to awful things like the Holocaust. God will not--repeat not--fuck us up if the World Court tells Israel to play nice and puts some corrupt government and military officials behind bars.