Happy holidays?

Dec 18, 2013 09:20

Whew! This semester has been... something. I can't wait for break. Just three more days... *disappears into daydreams of freedom*

So, how's everybody been? I feel like I've dropped off the face of the earth in some respects. Partly this is the child (who is fantastic, and HUGE!), and partly this is work, which is eating my soul this year. School #1 has undergone major changes in schedule and building, and while I like the change in schedule, it's definitely an adjustment from teaching the same course in five 48 minute periods to teaching it in one 40 min, one 60 min, and one 80 min per week. But it's a fun class, even if their new school-issued laptops make it a pain in the butt to attempt to keep their attention for more than five consecutive minutes. School #2 remains exactly the same; I haven't told them yet how much I'd like to stop working there, but I'm plugging along at my three classes full of great kids who have absolutely zero interest in anything I have to teach them. I'm looking forward to a break so I can stop dragging them into reluctant cooperation every day for a couple of weeks. But Christmas break also signals that I'm almost halfway done with the school year! School #1 is officially done with first semester, and School #2 will get to the end of first semester in a month. I'm looking into getting certified next year so that I can keep doing what I've already been doing for ten years, but with, like, flexibility and greater legality and marketability and stuff. >_>

I've read lots of books. Lots of them were awesome. I had a couple of weeks straight where I loved every single book I read. I will share at some future point when I have the time to type up the list.

On the writing front, I'm plotting out two trans* Cinderellas (one fairytale, one contemporary) and a space cowboys story that refuses to develop any form of plot. I'm also going to post a Christmas short with Jonah and Morpheus as soon as I get a chance to finish it. Some happy holiday fluff. :)

And now I'm off to go watch Much Ado About Nothing with my AP Lit class and plan out a Bacon-alia with my first year Latin students and Saturnalia with my second year kids. Happy holidays indeed!
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