Holy shit real update

Jun 11, 2007 00:10

So I'm in Portland, OR right now.

This place is fucking beautiful.

I was supposed to fly in thursday night, but my flights got fucked up and I ended up getting stranded in Cincinattie. But that's okay, I called Sky and Dasiy from Foxy Shazam and got to hang out with them for the night.

Sky picked me up from the air port and we went to his house. His house is right after the obscene jump from ghetto to nice. He first showed me his back yard, covered in folliage, as I walked down the lanscaped stairs an in groud pool came into site, fucking amazing. So we sat pool side and chatted for a little while and I smoked a ciggertte. Then we went in the basement where Loren and his girl friend we're watching television. Then Sky and I retired to the kitchen where I ate a delicious pork chop and proceded to smoke a hooka and play chess with Sky. After the game of chess, which I won, we played that crazy lazer game I saw on the intarbutz a while back, nuts. So then it was "bed time" I layed in the bed in the basement watching discovery channle for 3 hours or so. Then Daisy finally showed up, told me about his endeveors with the girl he "loves" then after that we went to a 35 year old womans house and got a hand job when her daughter was in the room, WTF?

So the next morning I met Sky's Dad, really nice guy, welcomed me and made me some re-cock-ulously strong coffee and gave me a bannana, but I forgot it :( So Sky drove me the airport. I didn't have any trouble with security this time (last time they took my fucking shaving cream they thought I was going to shave the pilot). I met a really nice "single serving friend" and we talked about wow and programming, he was a 35 year old 12 year vetren of the Navy who works for a weapons company now. Then we landed in portland.

Katie picked me up from the airport. I checked my voicemail after I got off the plane and I had three messages. First was Jordan, she told me that The Beauty Fire broke up, sad news. Second was another head hunter asking me if I'm interested in a job. Thrid was my WebMD head hunter, they want to interview me, in 2 hours. So I called him back, said I can make it to the interview. Katie took me downtown so I can buy a nice shirt. Then we went and got some foods and she drove me to interview.

LONGEST INTERVIEW OF MY LIFE. Five sepreate people interviewed me, back to back. I seemed to impress them. One of the interviewers wrote a SQL statment on the white board and asked me to point out the bad things about it. It looked something like this:

FROM People
(SELECT PeopleID FROM jobs WHERE jobID = 2 OR jobID = 108)

So I told him first that it should be an INNER JOIN not a sub query. Good. Then I pointed out that the OR statment is very processor heavy. Then the * should list the column names and not use *. Then that it's just a SELECT statment and should have WITH NOLOCK and does not. He told me that no interviewie has ever listed off all the problems so quickly.

Another guy who interviewed me decided to ask me about data structers and algorythems. He asked me to write a Binary search on the white baord. Now, a binary search is something I have written scince softmore year of college, but I gave it my best shot. So I wrote out something like this:

int Search(Array[] Data, string Name, int Start, int End)
int mid = End / 2;
if(Data[mid] = Name)
return mid;
else if(Data[mid] > Name)
Search(Data, Name, mid, End);
Search(Data, Name, Start, mid);

He told me that's probably the best algorythem he's ever seen writen on a white board.

So yeah, I think I got the job.

So afterwards, Katie and I had to find a pricing shop because I had taken out my lip ring and I could not get it back in. They tappered the hole back open and didn't charge me anything, which was nice, so I gave her a 10 dollar tip.

Then we went the bar, met creepy dudes and played pool with them, had way to much to drink. Then hopped on the bikes we took to the bar and went to another bar, drank more. Rode home, met the naibors because they were coming home and Katie decided it was a good idea to follow them in and jump on the mattress they had in their living room. Drank more there, they we're really nice.

So I woke up yesterday morning and got picked up by enterprize. I got a rental car for the weekend with unlimited mileage for 55 dollars, even though I'm under 25, I fucking rule. So I started the drive to Redmond, WA, about 180 miles away. Well I was really uncomfterble because I was hungover, I was on roads I didn't know, that I couldn't do 85 mph on, and I was in my frist rental car. Due to the hangover I started getting a little motion sick and I was really tired, so I pulled over and took a nap in a gas station parking lot. Then my brother called, I told him I was taking a nap but I"m about 100 miles away and I'm going to start driving again right now. NOTE: I felt so blue collar in my '07 sebring.

So I got there, firs thing we did was go get some delicious tai food. Then we played some Halo 3. Then my brother had to work because he's on a deadline so we went to Microsoft and he worked on his code and I worked on mine. Afterwards we went back to his house, two of his friends came over and we watched the HD-DVD of "Planet Earth" that discovery series which was awesome. Then I went to bed.

We woke up at 9am, Mike asked if I'd like to go hikeing, I said sure. We got there, also with the two friends that came over the night before. I found out when we got there it was a 12 mile hike, but I was cool with that, I love a challenge. So the hike went for 4.5 hours, we went 12 miles and got to a elevation of 3,600 feet (2000 shy of a mile people). Come to find out that my first hike was the longest hike Mike has ever done, but not the highest, he's gone over a mile in elevation. GPS FTW. So we went to chilis afterwords. Best steak of my life concidering I didn't have anythign else to eat before then. We played some more Halo 3 then I got back in my car to drive to portland again.

This drive was much smoother. I got back to Katies appartment and she was nowhere to be found. I called her phone and heard it in the appartment so I went for a short walk. I came back from the walk and just popped a squat in on the stairs to the apparment, about 20 min later Katie got back.

We took my rental car back to enterprise. Then went to 7-11 for some beer and I got a SODOKU LOTTERY SCRATCH TICKET, which I only got so I can show my MI friends. I scratched the ticket, I lost. We all watched Adult Swim and drank beers.

And here I am, drinking beers.


Comment if you read it all, because that would make you cool.
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