Cheats guide to divination

Sep 11, 2006 21:20

My current experiment involves drawing my rune of the day and then seeing if I can 'make it happen' so to speak. It is proving most enjoyable. So, when I draw Dagaz I must immediately get a temperature and take to my bed, Othala and I spend the day with my mother, Inguz and I plant lots of stuff and generally plan things while rubbing my hands together sneakily. Today was wunjo so I visited lots of people in my office and am posting here so as to reach out to my lovely fellow human beings in joy and general harmony. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

I think fun could be had in the same way with tarot cards but possibly without being able to carefully ensure that all activities involved are quite so acceptable (except the temperature and the flu which was downright annoying). Tasks for the day might include:
Rider Waite:
-Have horrible nightmare
-Pick a fight
-Pick a fight and lose
-Blindfold self and stand on hill
-Dance around wearing very little
-Stand in full sun while naked
-Rise from your own grave while football hooligan angel salutes you with loud trumpet
-Chain yourself to a devil and eat fruit

- Be really psychedlic
-Wear bright colours
-Have lots of sex
-Set fire to something
- Find rainbow, sit underneath it and electrocute yourself
-Hang yourself upside down until you turn a funny colour
-Sit on throne and look wise (also relevant to Rider Waite, could even be a theme)
-Grow horns
-Use a tiger as a spring board and grow really big goofyesque ears

I am thinking that you might have to thin out the packs a bit to ensure your own sanity/livelihood/survival. On the other hand, I'd really like to see some soap operas based around the tarot cards, I think Rider Waite would definitely be a soap opera, or perhaps a slightly more depressing version of Robin of Sherwood. Thoth would have more of a Red Dwarf, Twin Peaks, Farscape feel and would have to be aired after the watershed.

Right, I'm going to pick a card and see if it's possible to fit it into my day tomorrow. Hmm, Princess of Disks (Thoth). Instruction: grow horns. (Or possibly just wear plaits, but I'm not sure if the plaits look is suitable for work). Tne nearest I can get to it is 'Go to the bank'. Can't find RW so Nigel Jackson will have to do, hmmmm, nine of swords, instruction: Have very bad night, dream about blue woman with demonic bird head. Hmm, possibly more realistic but not really what I was hoping for.

Methinks they know I'm not taking this entirely seriously. Back to the runes it is.
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