Nov 22, 2011 10:28
Men if you want your ladies to stick around please treat them as if you care about them. Not after the fact stand there and say "But I did so much for you!"
So much have I heard in all my long term relationships that my man did so much "for me." Yes he supported me financially or whatever needed to be done.
I have always been a people pleaser it's in my nature it is how I was raised. If i didn't make someone happy I felt the wrath. So I've always found myself in the relationship being the one to cook, clean and most recently bearing and raising my child. Being supported with a roof over my head and food in my belly is nice. (I've been without both) However being without love and affection does not make up for that.
So if you want to keep your woman around make time for her and sit and snuggle. Randomly hug her. Tell her that you love her (if you do.) Buying gifts is nice but not necessary (see my previous posts on gifts do not = love.) If you must give a gift handwritten notes are best or something handmade. Or better yet if you are good at something like fixing things do that! It will mean more. Also do it without having to be asked it will mean the most to her.
Let her come home to an already clean house or her car washed and oil changed or something sweet like that. SURPRISE HER! It will melt her heart and she will probably jump on top of you and give you the best kisses and hugs you ever had. I promise.
If you are an asshole and try to say that going to work and making money for the family is enough to warrant "lovins" or whatever you want to call it. She will slowly back out of your life and you will lose her. Either that or your relationship will turn to shit and you will be miserable for the rest of your lives and nothing will ever go right.
I speak this from experience. I have too many times drawn myself to the controlling douches or needy assholes. NO more. I will now on only be with men who treat me as well as I treat them.
life changes