Deathly Hallows Meme

Jan 14, 2007 20:02

1. Are you going to look at every possible spoiler you can before the book comes out? Did you with HBP and how accurate were the ones you saw?
Spoilers don't bother me much . . but I stop reading HP news the day before, and the day of, the book release.

2. What will you do if Amazon (or whoever;) don’t deliver your copy on time, and everyone is reading it except you?
Well, since I buy and read the UK/Cnd version before my American version arrives, it really doesn't matter.

3. Will you read the last chapter before anything else? Are you planning to read the book all in one go or are you a slow reader?
Absolutely not!
More than likely read it all in one go.

4. What’s your theory on the meaning of “Deathly Hallows?”
Not quite sure. There are several meanings floating around in discussion groups. Either a fancy name for the Horcruxes or the "Ghosts of Halloween's Eve"

5. What’s the craziest Harry Potter theory you’ve got, which you could only share with your trusted f-list?
Got lots of them; I didn't get the rank title "Master of Madcap Theories" for nothing. *wink*

6. If you could write in a sub-plot of your own choosing to the main Harry one, what would it be?
Hmmm ... good question. Haven't given it much thought really, but a story about Luna's family might be interesting.

7. Who do you think will die in the book, and who would you be most upset to see die, even if you don’t think it’s likely?
I think that these characters will die
. . . Snape
. . . Voldemort
. . . Kreacher

I would be very upset if Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna or Neville died.

8. Name three main (ish) characters who you think will definitely live and why. Is there a very minor character(s) you really want to have a happy ending?
I will keep Sixxynutter's answers - excellent choices I think
*The Twins - I think it would be the cruelest thing to have one twin die and the other live. Can’t see Jo killing them both. So they Live
*Neville - he deserves a chance
*Ginny - Harry needs his happy ever after

I think Dobby deserves a happy ever after!

9. If you don’t like the book, or are bitterly disappointed by it, do you think you’ll still stay in the fandom?
Its highly unlikely I will be disappointed.

10. One word (or concise) answers only!

Snape: good, evil, own agenda?
A very nasty wizard helping to destroy Lord V

Bill: will he help Remus or just be on permanent honeymoon?
If that is my only choice, then I say he will help Remus

Peter: a Gryffindor moment or not?
That silver hand just might help with Lord V's downfall; and he does, after all, owe Harry a life debt!

Harry: is he a Horcrux?
Absolutely not!

The Weasley’s: will they all survive?
I hope so, but it is unlikely that they will all survive.

If no to the above: who won’t?
If any of them dies, I'm hoping it is Percy.

Did Snape love Lily?
I don't think so

Hogwarts: will they go back to school or not?
Only to look for a Horcrux

Remus and Tonks: will they get married in the book?
I can't see it happening, no

Bellatrix: who will be her nemesis?
I'm hoping Neville *crosses fingers*

The new leader of the OotP is …?
Aberforth Dumbledore

Percy: will he see the error of his ways or not?
Maybe; just before he dies

11. If Harry could take just one adult Order of the Phoenix member with him on the search for Horcruxes, who should it be and why?
I agree with Sixxynutter:
He won’t tell anyone else. He made a promise to Dumbledore and I can’t see him break it.

12. Will Remus and Greyback have a confrontation in human or werewolf form? Will Tonks be involved? Who will the other werewolves support?
Tonks - possibly, but unlikely.
Duh - the other werewolves are with Greyback

13. Who is the person from Harry’s class (and it isn’t him, Ron or Hermione), who will become a Hogwart’s teacher? What subject will they teach?
Neville - Herbology.

14. Do you think Harry will observe Remus looking less lined and walking with a little more of a spring in his step? If so, do you think he'll attribute it to Tonks, and if he does, will he blush?
Who wrote this meme? ... who cares ... we've got Horcruxes and Lord V to deal with!

15. Will Ginny use, "But Professor Lupin saw the futility of being a noble prat!" for one of her million arguments with Harry about why they should be together? Do you think they’ll get back together at all?
Ginny is a strong girl. She will respect Harry's wishes. After Lord V's distruction, they will get back together.

16. Which house do you think Tonks is in, and why? Is she going to morph into someone important and who will it be?
Tonks, I'm sure, was a Gryffindor. It would be cool if she could morph into either Dumbledore or Fawkes to help defeat Lord V.

17. Who will be revealed to be the heir of Gryffindor?
Anyone's guess!

18. As JKR has promised the final chapter will be like an epilogue; how do you think the final paragraph will read?
"And so ends the heroic tale that all began with a scar."

. . . the end
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