Title: Cat and Mouse
Double Drabble 9Character:
Word count: 200
Rating: G
Team: Ravenclaw-Eagles
The trap was set; the lure perfect. At least Aberforth thought so.
One of the tables in the Hogs Head was completely out of character. A clean tablecloth, shiny cutlery, and a plate of hot steaming veggies with medium rare filet mignon sat upon it. Next to the plate was a glass containing the clearest, sweetest white wine.
Aberforth waved his wand over the glass. The deadly white powder fizzed momentarily just before dissolving. Aberforth quickly transfigured himself into a chair. He would witness this death first hand.
A big, rangy man with matted gray hair and whiskers sauntered into the Hogs Head. He looked around the room; it was empty. He noticed the table setting, “It appears I caught Aberforth as he was about to dine. Pity he won’t be able to finish it. It does look rather delicious,” he said in a raspy and bark-like voice. His dirty hands with long yellowish nails grabbed the cutlery and dived into the meal. He wiped his mouth with the back of his robe sleeve and his other hand reached for the wine.
The contents of the glass slowly trickled out in pulsating spurts, exactly like the dying man’s heart beat.