"Allons-y, Allonzo!"

Apr 18, 2011 02:06

Happy Birthday, David Tennant!
(a.k.a the Tenth Doctor!)

 He's offically 40 years old today (born April 18, 1971)! He's also recently celebrated the birth of his new daughter Olive (or is it Olivia?), whose mother, Georgia Moffett (Jenny from the Series 4 episode: "The Doctor's Daughter"), is the daughter of Peter Davison (the Fifth Doctor!). Both Tennant and Moffett are currently engaged. (Still unsure when their wedding will be taking place, but be damned, this is one celebrity wedding that I will actually follow.)

Not to mention that he got to play his dream role as the Doctor (he wanted to be the Doctor when he was 3 years old!), acted alongside his favorite Doctor - Peter Davison - in a Doctor Who special ("Time Crash") AND is now going to be the son-in-law of his favorite Doctor! It's a Whovian's dream come true!

Damnit, man. You are still one very awesome and sexy BAMF ex-Time Lord at 40. :D

10 was actually my first Doctor that I ever saw. I remember just flicking through the satelite TV channels one night after dinner when I came across CBC and Doctor Who was on the digital schedule. I had vaguely heard of the show online (I was still in my Danny Phantom obsession at the time, so I didn't really watch a lot of 'real life' shows until Heroes came along.) so I checked it out.

"Daleks in Manhattan" was my first Doctor Who episode EVER (at least from what I can remember. I vaguely remember seeing a preview for "Army of Ghosts" around the same time). I didn't even watch the entire thing. I think I was watching midway through the episode until the end. Weird pig people in sewers and screaming alien robots with squid aliens inside. And some crazy British madman in a suit and Converse shoes running around with an equally British black woman in New York.

Sadly, it didn't really catch on with me until 3 years later when Eleven came along and the big fuss about Doctor Who fell on my ears. D:

Maybe it was because I was caught up with watching cartoons/anime and not watching more episodes, or maybe I didn't understand the British stuff in it. (I do remember watching a segment from "Blink" - the scene where Ten is on the DVD commentaries telling Sally Sparrow the "Don't Blink" speech - before being called for dinner or cleaning up the dishes.)

But now that I own Series 1-3 (had a bad run in with an eBay seller for Series 4; got recently refunded for the set. Now I have to buy it again. FUUUUU-) and the Specials DVD boxsets, I can indulge in my Tennant goodness at last with an awesome home theatre setup in my basement. :3

Other than Doctor Who, I didn't recognize him at first couple of watches, but he played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. DAMN, WAS HE EFFING CREEPY WITH THAT TONGUE THING! oAo

Also recently watched a few scenes from his version of Hamlet (alongside Patrick Stewart as Claudius!). I have to see more of his theatre work.

Oh, and I just watched his role of the [effeminate] Ghost of Christmas Present on The Catherine Tate Show's Christmas special.



Speaking of him and Catherine Tate, here's a very recent meetup of them for their upcomming roles in a production of "Much Ado About Nothing". (Catherine pwns David in remembering her lines, but David pulls a Tom Cruise couch dance...only less psychotic, and more silly and cute.) :D

Alright, one Doctor Who video to hit the road...


You are one freaking fantastic actor, David. Don't ever change...

david tennant, video spam, birthday, ten, pic spam, doctor who

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