DW Series 6 Countdown: Day 6

Apr 17, 2011 16:29

Day 6

The Doctor Leaving Amy Behind in "Flesh and Stone" (S5, E5)

The Doctor: Amy, you need to start trusting me. It's never been more important.
Amy: But you don't always tell me the truth.
The Doctor: If I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me.

In this second half following "The Time of Angels", The Doctor, Amy,  River Song, Father Octavian and the clerics were surround by hundreds, if not thousands of regenerating Weeping Angels. It was a big "HOLY SHIT. WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO NOW?" cliffhanger, once The Doctor delivered an awesome speech before firing a gun at a gravity globe to temporarily escape the Angels.

Little did he know that one of them was closer than he thought...

Inside Amy's mind.

I think there's a Visene for that...

This was due to watching a recording of a captured Weeping Angel. Apparently, anything with the image of a Weeping Angel BECOMES an Angel. Which means: DON’T BLINK. BLINK, AND YOU DIE. But these Angels don't send you off into the past like the ones in "Blink". These Angels actually kill you on the spot and they even used some of the dead clerics' vocal chords to draw other victims (i.e. Bob).

When the Doctor discovers this, it goes less than expected as it seems that his bedside manner could use some work...

Amy: So what's wrong with me?
River: Nothing, you're fine.
The Doctor: Everything, you're dying.
River: Doctor!
The Doctor: Yes, you're right. If we lie to her, she'll get all better!

(Well, at least he's being honest, River...)

So what's happening is that the Weeping Angel is killing Amy from inside and she must close her eyes so that the Angel can't kill her. Unfortunately, the forest is full of Angels, in which they're free to roam around since Amy can't make eye contact with them due to her condition. (Ain't that a kick in the pants...) Luckily, the clerics offer to help protect her, only to be suddenly absorbed and erased by a Time Crack one by one.

The heart of this episode was the Doctor leaving Amy in the forest swarming with Weeping Angels with her eyes closed, unaware of what is currently happening. It’s a really big emotional scene when he has to put her life on the line to save the universe. She’s terrified and even doubts that he’ll come back, reflecting on what happened back in the early part of her childhood when the Doctor had ‘abandoned her’ during the first part of “The Eleventh Hour”. Eleven reassures her by holding her hand, touching his head to hers and even kissing her forehead before hurrying off with River and Father Octavian.

Amy is completely helpless as she blindly stumbles around and only has a communicator to keep in touch once the clerics all disappear into the crack, and the Doctor is unable to physically help her since he must help River Song and Father Octavian to the crashed ship that’s feeding the Angels power. Instead he guides her by the sound of his sonic screwdriver and even then the tension gets insanely thick as the (now frightened) Angels approach her and then completely surrounds her. (Luckily, River is able to beam her out of there before the Angels can kill her.)

Runner up:

"Smoochie, Smoochie Time!" :D

series 6 countdown, amy pond, flesh and stone, day 6, river song, kiss, eleven, weeping angels, doctor who

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