I feel tired, I should probably go to sleep. Plus the gum around my lower left wisdom tooth has some how become infected and is pumping poisons into the rest of my head...makes me think of Brass Eye when they describe some one's entire head going septic.
Had a nice day today, got up early for my first trumpet lesson, then spent the afternoon reading a wonderful book called The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. Beautifully written piece of fiction meditating on loss and bereavement and growing up. I got something stuck in my eye at the end...actually the ending was quite Oscar Wilde's children's fiction. I then napped and went to Capoeira class along the road. It's a different one than the last time as I thought I needed a new start. Ye gads I was definitely starting again...THE PAIN!! My own fault though as I hadn't eaten anything all day except for toast, pesto and cheese. Fool. I then went over to Remo's to make some dinner while he guffawed loudly from the lounge at the little people on TV. Sick fucker. Then we sat and watched Sexy Beast, one of the best British gangster films and an amazing film in it's own right.. keeps things simple and Ben Kingsley is fucking terrifying in it. Also has an amazing gay character in the shape of Deadwood's and Love Joy's Ian McShane.