I can haz it be tomorrow yet?

Aug 10, 2009 20:48

Somehow I've come down with the Plague or Swine Flu or else just a really bad cold. Do not want. We sent the girl child off to band camp for the week, so I was hoping to get a bunch of stuff done around my house, which is not happening whilst I'm busy hacking up a lung. I'm hoping that I can be over the runny nose and fever by tomorrow, at least. Bleh.

Spent some time trying to write today. I think my muse requires me to work at a job I hate in order to come up with anything clever. I used to write stuff that was sort of funny. Where did my sense of humor go?

Actually, any kind of a job would be good right now. I've been pretty good about applying for anything in my field, and the total lack of response is kind of alarming. This is the time of year when companies try to hire in my field (planning and budgeting) so they can have a new person on board when the next budget cycle begins. There are a number of jobs out there, but I'm not even getting to the interview stage. Not sure if it's the economy or the fact I haven't worked in nearly two years.

On the plus side, Hubby thinks he's going to be getting an offer from his hospital client. We don't have the details yet, but it will include health insurance benefits, so even if it's not great, he'll probably accept it. I kind of hate being the reason for him to take a less than ideal job, but what can you do?

Switching gears to US politics, you all watch out for future Republican presidential candidate, Tim Pawlenty. He's a very likable guy, but he's been one of the worst governors our state has ever had. And we had Jesse Ventura. Pawlenty is the sort of guy you'd like to sit down and have a beer with, but he is way more conservative than he seems. The Pawlentys go to a church in my city that is very evangelical and authoritarian. And I went to high school with his wife. She is a lovely person, and smart and beautiful and really, really conservative. Just wait - he'll come on the national political scene and become a media darling. But don't be fooled. /rant

Okay, now it's off to bed for me where I hope to wake up as a new and improved person in the morning. Night all.

sick, jobs, politics

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