Random Musings

Jan 02, 2009 20:25

Happy day!!! Today in the post I got a couple of wool beanies from iamshadow and kath_ballantyne sent all the way from Australia. Despite the fact that they are now right side up, they are still adorable, and soft and warm but delightfully lightweight. But the best part is that they were hand knitted by the marvelous iamshadow who was channeling Doctor Who and Torchwood at the time. I've got to tell you, dear, that when I opened the package, I ripped off the Canteen bandana I was wearing and put the green one right on my head, where it's been ever since. Thank you so much!!!

I am so lucky to have all of these friends who knit hats! Last year at this time, I didn't realize that I'd have the coolest hat/bandana collection ever!

Last night when I got home from the in-laws' house I discovered that I had a fever, and today it became clear that I've got a relapse of the cold from hell. Advil is taking care of the fever right now, and they pumped me full of anti-nausea steroids today which have as a side effect that they clear out my sinuses. So I'm coughing quite a lot, but not suffering too much yet. Maybe I'll be able to lick this one before it takes control of my body again. I'm still calling it The Plague, though.

I still have a tree in my house. I am hoping to have it gone by Sunday afternoon. Wish me luck.

Every year our local alternative radio station puts out a compilation of studio recordings they've made of artists they've had in their studio the previous year. It raises money for local charities, and they limit the number of copies available in order to make sure that it sells out on the first day every year. In November, I was awake and decided to go stand in line at Target to see if I could get a copy. Unfortunately, they sold out about 50 people in front of me, so I didn't get one. But my Hubby happened to mention to a friend of his that I'd failed to get one, and it happened that she'd picked up an extra copy with no one in particular in mind to give it to, so she sent it to me for Christmas! So now I have my Cities 97 Sampler Anniversary Edition CD, and it's really good, especially if you like acoustic performances. If anybody wants tracks from it, check out the list here and let me know which one(s) in the comments. It's not available in stores, and the artists donated all of these performances to charity.

And now I've started sneezing, which I'm taking as subtle hint to go to bed. G'night!

random musing

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