Weeeellll this is sort of complicated: if I allowed you to use caps from old seasons of whatever show, it would give you grounds for using stuff from series one, which is not what we're looking for in this challenge. On the other hand, you might be excited to see how the Doctor/River relationship develops on series seven, and that you could icon.
So let's put it like this: you can icon old shows or subjects/shows that haven't gone back into production yet using past images, if you somehow relate it to what is to come, and not to what has already happened. Good enough?
Well, you seeeee, it would be awkward if someone could icon a subject and another someone couldn't just because they live someplace different, thus I'm vetoing it. It's a globalized world! ;x So please use the world/first premiere date as reference!
*hands out sandwhiches of the mod's preference*
Weeeellll this is sort of complicated: if I allowed you to use caps from old seasons of whatever show, it would give you grounds for using stuff from series one, which is not what we're looking for in this challenge. On the other hand, you might be excited to see how the Doctor/River relationship develops on series seven, and that you could icon.
So let's put it like this: you can icon old shows or subjects/shows that haven't gone back into production yet using past images, if you somehow relate it to what is to come, and not to what has already happened. Good enough?
*hands out some milk and cookies to go with the sandwiches*
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