Feb 08, 2007 23:40
Now, I don't know how many times I've said how I have low self-esteem and how that's pretty much all I've ever known since... well, since I was old enough to know what "self-esteem" was.
Though I'm not really blaming anyone... I can see how people have some sort of affect on others. Take for example: Courtney, my sister... she was at work earlier this week when a "gentleman" (and I use this term loosely) came in. Of course, my sister really just keeps to herself and minds her own business. But this guy came into my sister's store to pay for something... and instead of just leaving her alone, he has to be a dick. (Seriously, what gives the people the balls to do something like this?)
As he's leaving, he makes a comment that my sister looks like someone- but of course, he shouldn't tell her who. Naturally, this would spark an interest and my sister asked him to tell her. So, he says, "You know that girl 'Ugly Betty'? You look like her." My sister was confused by this... and in response asks for clarification... "Do you mean the actress? Or the character?" "The character!" he says as he leaves.
My sister has always been the "more sensitive" one out of the three of us. She literally would sleep curled up in a ball... her legs and head being the only thing to touch the bed. She was the one to always get her feelings hurt first because we (Sam and me) were being too cruel or whatever. Though she is a lot stronger than she gives herself credit for, every once in a while, her self-esteem takes a hit (especially when jerks like this guy comes into her life).
I'll be the first one to tell anyone, my sisters (both my sisters) are very beautiful people! Every once in a while I question how "beautiful" Samantha's inside is- how her spirit radiates. Courtney would be one of those people that would help a complete stranger out if she really felt they were in need. Of course, that makes Courtney even more beautiful! So, for this guy to even come up with something like that- obviously meant to be an insult, it got me pissed. I swore if I ever found out who this guy was, I would give him a piece of my mind! (Noone hurts my baby sister!!!)
But it got me thinking... why is it that people have to be so mean? Why do they need to tear others down to feel better about themselves? Why is it that people need to start trouble and hurt others' feelings? I know that it sounds corny and all... but why can't we all just get along?
It's because of people like that- those that need to cause pain on others that good people like my sister end up questioning themselves... and develop ill notions that they could never possibly be good enough. And I'm sure someone will say "Well, she just needs to toughen up! She needs thicker skin." But the truth is, there are far too many of these people just to ignore them... there's far too many that seem to be around and just when one of them are done tormenting you, another person is right there to lay it on. It is their goal simply just to break you... to make you start believing that you're no good. And after hearing it enough, you will start to consider it. And if it continues, you will start to believe it! No doubt about it.
So, what can we do about these "negative" people? Lord knows, I have far too many in my life that I just want to break away. If it's not what a crappy friend I am because I don't see anyone, it's issues on things I hear from them EVERY SINGLE TIME we talk. It gets old. It gets annoying. And I'm sure people can attest, it gets you wishing that you were never friends with this particular person to begin with.
"Don't talk down on your man unless you're helping him up!"- That right there is what we need to live on. The more and more I think about how this world needs a change, the more I'm determined just to kick Hilary in her baby-maker and run for President myself! I'm done ranting! And just fyi, that quote- it's from LFO's "Life is Good". Good song... awesome message!
negative people,