A few things

Apr 27, 2010 23:46

1) I was slightly annoyed at my mother for not paying the phone bill and thus having my internet gone for a week (strokes internet) "So glad you made it."

2) I am going to be on this blog radioshow for fanficiton, and I am excited.

3)I have been watching a lot od Dr. Who/Torchwood, and it has seeped into my head. I even wrote a Murder In Suburbia/Dr/. Who crossover that is still sort of in the works. Hope it gets done here soon. Can't wait to see the reactions to such a story.

4) I have two other Murder in Suburbia stories that I want to finish, one I haven't completely finished the notes for (New World War), and the other is a short thing that I could finish tomorrow if I would just sit my ass down and do it. I have about three minutes on my voice recorder (the old one, not the new one), so I could be about halfway done from the sounds of it. I think the only thing is I need to do some research on clautrophobic (don't ask).

5)I am watching the first disc of the first season of X-Files. I so far like it. I am not sure if it is because I am a closet sci-fi geek now, but I liked Fringe, and Fringe was compared to X-Files, so I thought I'd give it a go. It is so far pretty good.

6) Still waiting for my copy of my tax return. When I get that, I can do the things I need to do for my financial aide. I have been slowly but surely packing up. I am still worried about when and how I am going to buy a laptop for school. I don't think I will be able to save up enough in time, and there is no way I am asking my parents.

7)RPG is going well. All of my characters exceot for one has something to do, sort of. But at least all of them aren't being left out or dictated what to do like the other one. I wouldn't be surprised if the mod for the other one has taken over my characters by now.

8) I had two weird dreams, one I can't remember now, but the first one hade me really being mean to these skinny white girls. They kept changing face and I only recognized maybe three of them, but I made her cry. I woke up angry, and then later guilty because I remembered the things that I said to them, and I wonder if I said them in my dream because in real life I am angry at myself, or jealous of these pretty white girls because I am so far from that, and always had been. I remember I used to want long straight black hair and all I got was frizz. And it was always the likes of these pretty white girls who made fun of me in elementary school.

9) I posted a story today. It seemed to have gotten some good feedback. Though someone pointed out spelling errors, they didn't do it in that know it all way that Lj people do that pisses me the fuck off. Plus, they read Fallen and have commented regularly, so I trusted their word. They know what to expect from me.

I think that is all. If I think of anything else, I will be back.


update, writing

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