Apr 13, 2010 14:02
So yesterday my voice recorder died on me. My friend Alki, not his real nam, just what I call him by his screen name) got the brunt of my frustration, but somehow we got to talking about writing and other voice recorders, so I looked and found a vpoice recorder that also had Dragon Speak/Speak Naturally programming in it so that it would transcribe voice to text on the computer. So I looked for some, and found all sorts of them, all sorts of price ranges. One or two of them over a thousand dollars. But there was one that I found that was a simpler model than the others, but still had the voice to text option, and still had a lot of voice space on it, which was all I need, really in the product. It was $154, but I think if it worked for as long as the other one did and really does all it is advertised to do, then I think it would be worth every penny. I mean, imagine how many stories I could write, novels even. I know that some of my novels require some research, like Yanisa needs a lot of research on how people in ancient greece lived and find a way to adapt to living in Yanisa, a place of magic, centaurs, elves and dwarves for about 2 thousand years. I also need some research on the 19th century, especially in Washington state, but that won't be as extensive because I just need a ghost story. Another thing I need to research is the behind the scenes of a reality TV show, robotics, the inside of a buisness, and a few other things like that. I think the two easiest novels to write voule be Morning regret, about a woman who has an almost one night stand with someone she wouldn't normally ever consider dating because of how the person looks, but after a while starts to think about them even though she has no way of contacting her. Another one I think I could would work on is the ghost story since the research wouldn't be as extensive.
I am so excited I can't wait for it to get here. I can get everything babbled out and as soon as I get the money to buy a used laptop, I think I will be ready to go.
voice recorder