wickdshy (no. 03)

Apr 04, 2013 13:22

52 icons -- (02) angel the series, (01) awkward, (02) breaking bad,
(08) buffy the vampire slayer, (05) fringe, (05) grey's anatomy,
(01) smallville, (21) supernatural, (02) the following,
(02) the killing, (03) veronica mars

angel | awkward | breaking bad


buffy the vampire slayer


buffy the vampire slayer | fringe


fringe | grey's anatomy


grey's | smallville | supernatural










the following | the killing | veronica mars


veronica mars


comments are ♥
credit wickdshy or bel-perdente
watch for updates

tv: fringe, icons, tv: awkward, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: the killing, tv: supernatural, maker: wickdshy, tv: breaking bad, tv: smallville, tv: veronica mars, tv: angel, graphics: icons, tv: the following

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