Aug 28, 2009 10:58
I work in a call center where for about seven of my eight working hours I'm chained to my computer and cubicle with a leash like headset. Hence my number one location listed on my posts being some variation of 'chained to my cubicle.'
While chained to said cubicle I am fielding calls about people's claims and benefits; things like 'can you find me an in network doctor?' or 'why didn't you pay that claim?!'
Now I do enjoy helping because I've recieved extensive training to be qualified to answer those questions and especially when I'm helping my callers who are going through breast cancer I love my job even when they're stressed or unfriendly because I understand their reasons for it and anything I can do to make their lives easier is a good thing.
But not all of my callers are going through something so traumatic and not all of them have an excuse to be ignorant or petty or cruel as they so often are. So, if you are ever calling your insurance company to comment or complain or just because you need help, bear in mind that the person you're speaking to is low man on totem pole and while they can help you with quite a bit they have limitations and they in no way have anything to do with how your policy is set up or what your benefits are or why that one doctor isn't contracted.
So instead of telling that poor person, whose just trying to pay their rent, that you wish that she and all of her coworkers lose their jobs because one of your doctors won't work with us anymore, take a moment and realize that you are being as selfish and callous as you are accusing them of being. Thank you