5-31-2015: [Daily Writing Prompt] All-nighter

May 31, 2015 18:53

Daily Writing Prompt from PiccadillyInc's 300 Writing Prompts (2014 blue book)

"When was the last time you pulled an all-nighter? Why did you do it? How did it feel afterwards?"

My last all-nighter was actually last week and I have been "paying for it" ever since. Our son struggles with procrastination, his father and I do as well but it is something we both have been working on diligently for the last several years. Anyways, he had a team based project in his Spanish 3 class and they both waited far too late in the game to really put forth an effort into their project. They had 2 months to work on it and their teachers reports that she gave them plenty of time to work on it in class. I am not sure what they did during those times but it was quite clear that nothing would be completed without some urging from the parents. His teammate's parents did not seem to have the time or inclination so I stepped in. In the last 48 hours before the hard due date I recorded their footage, had my son review it all, then I began the long process of editing the film, splicing it together, adding text and transitions and getting it all ready for viewing. My son has the skills to do all of this himself but the program we use updated itself and it was too much work for him to do the editing and learn the new software at the same time. Typically I would have made him do the work anyways, lose sleep, and learn a lesson. However, he also had two final exams the next day so I made sure that he got at least 6 hours of sleep and I sacrificed my own. I was simply exhausted for the next several days and he saw it first hand.... what losing that much sleep can do to the body. He has spent every day since apologizing for his own part in the whole thing, thanking me every day for bailing him out of his own mistakes, he has started making changes so that this does not happen again, and has promised to take me out for some one-on-one time as thanks for my sacrifice. Sure my sleep cycle has been fubared hard but if he does learn from this whole mess, then it was worth it. You know?

writing, insomnia, donald, decisions, impact, lessons-learned, stress, acts of service, i-must-be-crazy, parenting, personal retrospect, sleep-issues, procrastination

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