My son was diagnosed with SPD just before he turned 3 year old; it was discovered while receiving services for speech and language delay after multiple ear infections from age 1 1/2 - 2. Most of our friends here in WA see
dragonzzilla as a pretty well behaved kid, a little eccentric, and sometimes a bit odd but otherwise a "neat kid." When they learn that DJ has SPD they seem shocked and just don't see it. The reason they don't see it is because he's been in various forms of therapy since he was in diapers. However a few of them has seen one of his meltdowns, his reclusive times, or his obsessive and demanding times. It's only then that they "get it" and start asking deeper questions. I stumbled upon this PSA recently and decided to post it here so everyone can get a glimpse into our world with SPD.
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And here is a video for "Autistic Like: GRAHAM'S STORY" (we recently received a copy of this video thanks to the company and if you would like to watch it let me know and we can loan it to you.)
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Stanley Greenspan, Floortime, DIR, ABA, autism, sensory integration dysfucntion, sensory processing disorder: visit: WWW.AUTISTICLIKE.COM