Turns out: yes, I did lose my WIP chapter two of Nefarious Mansion. In short, I've been despairing about this. A lot. Not just because I initially lost what I was writing, but because:
1) I don't really know where to go from here. More than ever in my entire life, I've realized how constrained my writing really feels. I've been trying to write, but I'm not entirely sure what to do.
2) In corresponding to this, I've had several dreams where I've written three-four chapters in a day and it felt like the most loose, wonderful experience. It felt like I was creating a story first and the writing second...if that makes sense. Sometimes I'll wake up, head over to my laptop, then realize with some sadness that I never actually wrote the story in my dream.
3) After these dreams, I think my writing has started to become less constrained, but for some reason...I have the feeling I need to just wait. Wait. Wait everything out. I'm definitely going to return to The Nefarious Mansion within the summer, but I don't know whether I'm going to start over or continue with chapter two. We'll have to see.
Also, here's another to-do list for me, a bit more minor...
1. Stina's requested Pokemon MD slash fic
2. Work a bit on fan mixes
3. Develop/outline/write NOFNA.com fanfic
One last thing...my introduction to the
brigits_flame com - one of the ones featured in this month's LJ spotlight. :3
Hey there! I'm Sabs. This is supposedly my fanworks LJ...but, whattheheck. I hardly use my regular LJ account anyway.
I'm 15-years-old, live in central Texas, and I like writing. A lot. I've been spinning out stories since 2nd grade, so I have quite a bit of writing experience...I guess. You could say. :/ Maybe /too/ much experience. I tend to over-think everything, which I suppose comes with my perfectionism and self-criticism.
That's mainly my problem with writing. I have many ideas and can start a story rather easily [just give me a day, maybe, and I can come up with something], but I have such poor self-confidence that any multi-chapter stories I start end up unfinished. Others tell me my writing is good or excellent, but it always feels constrained, like the story isn't touching the reader because its being buried underneath careful, cautious, and petty description/writing flow. I also tend to have an issue with overusing adverbs, but I'm working on that. Otherwise, though, I don't have much help. I'm at the time of my life where there's little help for my writing. Really. My school dishes out Humanities and literature analysis, but I don't learn much pertaining to creative writing or writing in general, not until senior year - when you're allowed to take creative writing as an elective.
But, branching off from writing, I like other things as well. I draw, paint, watch movies, analyze movies, fly kites, surf the internetz lolololol xD, and play lots of video games [namely RPGs]. I really, reeeeeeaaaaallly love the anime Princess Tutu. It's a solid work of art - you HAVE to watch it. I implore you. Though it's rather simple and magical-girl at first, it swiftly becomes a conflict of characters and morality in a story-bound, classical ballet world. I highly and thoroughly suggest it to anyone. There's also Yu Yu Hakusho, another one of my anime favorites. I really like to draw inspiration from it, as there's a lot of elements of ordinary people coming so far/turning out not so ordinary, and yet rising above some of the greatest challenges and triumphing quite dramatically. Plus the hand-drawn animation and the excellent pen work - ohhohohohoooo~, the animation. *~* <3333
Yep. Now I'm talking/writing for no apparent reason. That's...me in a nutshell, I suppose! I'd like to join the next Brigits Flame contest soon. -nod nod- You can contact me at joecool7889@gmail.com, for whatever reason.