(no subject)

May 07, 2009 20:21

So I totally rediscovered my love for both the FMA manga and Yu Yu Hakusho.

I started reading the FMA manga again (instead of homework, woo) because I've been participating in the fma_fic_contest on LJ, got curious, and decided I should finish what I already learned...plus with the new anime reboot (that I've of course been watching). I thought for sure the manga was finished, though, but then I got to chapter 94 and learned it wasn't. At least it seems like the whole thing is wrapping up soon, so I won't have to wait too long for updates to come out and keep forgetting what happened in previous chapters.

I'm not even sure how my Yu Yu Hakusho fangasm rekindled. It's always been a consistent love, but as of late I've been determined to write YYH fic.

So much to write, so little time.

In other news, I'm going to promote this webcomic for the 02983091483th time, because frankly I'm tired of how little attention it receives. Actually, there's two comics on Zachary Braun's site ("10%+" and "Secretary", the second still updating) though both take place in the same world. It's a completely feral comic, and a bit confusing if you're just starting to read, but the man has done his research - with his arrangement of panels, art skills, and knowledge about the realistic aspects of the world. The characters are incredibly in-depth and just grow on you. Once more, I highly recommend you read it. Hopefully the printed version of "10%+" will become available soon.


nature of nature's art, busy, fullmetal alchemist, yu yu hakusho

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