Good ole' Jackass

Apr 21, 2009 22:17

This...person (whom I will name Jackass for everyone's convience) has always been a real jerk since getting over his in-class silence, but now he's gone over the edge this year. Increasingly, he's pissed me off. When he undermines my Chinese teacher on top of distracting class AND slowing down the class because he can't pay attention and thus is at least a month behind everyone else, I want to wring his throat. When I call him out on his shit, though, he acts like A) he hasn't done a single thing wrong, and B) I'm psychotic or just stupid, or something, because he either laughs or asks me in a very high-and-mighty tone, "Can you just calm down?"

I don't fucking care about him making fun of me, but if he hurts anyone close to me ever again, especially by undermining my sweet and innocent native Chinese teacher (who is nice enough to let his inappropriateness slide), then A) I will kick my foot so far up his ass that he won't even doubt there's something wrong with me, and B) he'll make it clear not to do his shit ever again, even if he doesn't realize it.

Sometimes, I really love my private school. Sometimes, there are people that are just spoiled little brats that have never gotten in trouble by their parents (and I mean, NEVER) and furthermore, push problems onto other people even when they're COMPLETELY unjustified, just because they can't possibly fathom the people acting dipshit are themselves.

To make it worse, one of my best friends is being oblivious to his rudeness (apparently laughing at/denying a teacher's warning to call the student's parents ISN'T making fun of her/being rude), and I'm a little disappointed in her, to say the least, especially when she DEFENDS HIM after I called him out. God, how stupid can you be? All that defense for him is just going to give him more incentive to go on with ridiculing the people I love.

After a group of bitchy girls and their high-strung athletic director demoting my dad from not only his job, but also his dignity (when the fuck has he ever "verbally abused" someone?) and now just sickens me. A lot. I hope I won't encounter more shit like this at my school the next couple of years.


Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest a little. My angry fumes are distracting me from homework.

rant, assholes

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