[Video; Action for Hufflepuffs]

Oct 17, 2011 15:57

[Wow, amazing. Everyone has always wanted to see the wall of the Hufflepuff common room, right? Because that's what this video seems to be about, at first, before the camera tilts a bit, following one of Tavros's oversized horns until his face comes into view. It's really something. Pointy ears, jagged teeth, oversized horns, yellow eyes... this kid obviously isn't human. He looks to be about thirteen, and at the moment particularly excited about something.]

Hi, everyone, I'm Tavros. I was just wondering, did anyone lose their pet? Because, um, I found him in our common room, and he was misbehaving a bit, so I took care of him. We did, really, some other people used some spells, but they wanted to throw him out the window because of some things that he did, and I wasn't okay with that, he might get hurt or lost. Anyway, I think he got really tired from the ...mild property damage, which occurred here, because someone left a window open, that's how he got in. He could have been really hurt by falling that far, you know! But the plants cushioned him, and they're only broken a little, one of them, so that's mostly okay.

Um, don't tell Professor Sprout I said that, though.

[He glances around, as though his head of house might appear out of nowhere and start lecturing him. His luck is with him- she's otherwise occupied. Phew. He continues his babble, which is somehow hesitant and enthusiastic at the same time.]

I didn't show you what he looks like, sorry. You wouldn't be able to recognise him from just me saying things, like how much of a troublemaker he is, and also that he's really enthusiastic about things. Or she, maybe. Anyway, let me show you what we did.

[He gets up, the video still running, accidentally showing off a lot of minor damage to the common room. In the background, responsible students have their wands out and are muttering Reparos, while the majority of students are just surveying the damage, and discussing it with their housemates. The video blurs as Tavros picks up speed and heads into his dorm. It looks as though a small hurricane struck his belongings, or maybe like he emptied his trunk out over his bed without any regard for his possessions. Or his roommates' feelings about tidiness.

If you guessed option b, congratulations! The video hones in on the trunk, which has a young niffler curled up in a considerably damaged blanket, its face buried in what looks suspiciously like shredded bits of a book. Tavros is whispering now:]

We didn't hurt him, he was just scared and trying to dig through the floor and walls, so the others trapped it with magic (it was awfully impressive, they were so good!) and I'll look after him for now, because he's probably important to someone, and he's awfully cute. The others say he's a "niffler", so he might not be wild, necessarily. I think that's why he's here, with people, instead of outside! He probably missed his master and came looking, as a loyal companion should. So, if he's your friend, let me know!

...Also, if anyone knows a spell that'll make Screechsnaps feel better, that would be really nice, too, given that it won't stop complaining even though I think someone already fixed where it broke, it's just still mad about being fallen on. I just thought, uh, it might be wise to ask.

tavros nitram

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