Not great, but could have been worse...

Jan 31, 2010 16:53

So... Dabney's party was all good until Perry ended up with the drugs that were clearly meant for me. Now I know that sentence probably makes me sound like a drug addict, that I ordered drugs and then they just happened to end up with Perry and not me. But that's so not it.

Basically iblametonystark  (Otherwise known as Mr. Bruce Wayne) came along to the party, cause he's awesome like that. Anyway, I was told afterwords that Bruce was keeping Jeremy busy or something and Perry was with me. They told me before hand about all the drink shit, which I knew. But I guess wasn't paying attention enough. Perry stopped one sketchy drink from getting to me, but he must have been too focused on watching the guy make my drink that he missed watching when his own was made. I guess none of us figured Jeremy would go for him like that so maybe it didn't cross his mind? But I saw Perry, and I know when something's not right. Plus I could see he looked a little off balance. The fuck drugged him, instead of me.

Bruce got us both out of there. He drove in Perry's car, cause I know sober or not, Perry would hate me driving it. So Bruce drove, took us to Tony's place (which is crazy awesome by the way) just to be safe. Perry was trying to talk to me at one point, but I could not understand a single word coming out of his mouth... I got him to lay down and boom he was out.

I sort of partially looked around the house but I went back and curled up by Perry after realizing I'd probably break something if I even looked at it... That's just how lucky I seem to be, and I did not want an angry Tony Stark on my ass...

I also heard something about Jeremy being arrested? That's pretty sweet. The fucker's getting it finally.

Oh, damn it! Yes. Perry is fine, by the way... I woke up late and he was up by then. A little shaky but okay. And we're hoooome again. :D

wtf, alive, perry van shrike, jeremy véron, bruce wayne, drugs are baaad, tony stark, creepy

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