Closed Post; macnair et lucius; lambs to the slaughter

Jul 27, 2009 22:38

Who: Walden Macnair and Lucius Malfoy
Where: The Owlery
What: Macnair made a mistake and Lucius has been ignoring him, but now it's time that things be explained.

The ice is thin and the water is rushing, rushing in )

character: lucius malfoy, character: walden macnair, post: closed, year: 1976

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macnair July 28 2009, 18:36:42 UTC
Macnair couldn't bear the attack on his loyalty.

"Your faith has always been secure!" he barked, angered and exasperated. "Have I ever let you down before now? Answer me, Lucius." The owl began to beat its wings in a fluster of empathy for its master. Macnair barely flinched. "It was a stupid mistake. I understand the gravity of it. Am I expected to be above all human error?"

The next allegation he couldn't fully explain. Macnair didn't understand why he had been so entertained by the Head Girl's advances, nor did he know if Lucius had picked up on the undertones of their uncharmed conversation. Unknown to Lucius they had continued on in secret, each exchange getting lewder and all the more dangerous; but this had only served to make the idea of betrayal so much stronger in Macnair's mind.

There was no logical excuse for his actions, other than perhaps a surge of hormones, a desire for something visceral and vulgar. A fuck was a fuck was a fuck to Macnair, he saw no reason why she should be so different. But her position, her power...

"I have found a way to turn this situation to our advantage," he muttered quietly.


herr_malfoy July 28 2009, 18:47:57 UTC
Lucius rounded on Walden, his carefully composed mask of cool indifference shattering and his rage bared for his friend to see. Orion let out a loud cry and took off in a frantic beat of wings. "I expect you to be above such incompetence!" he spat, "It's a simple charm, Macnair. Third year Hufflepuffs can do it!"

He forced himself to calm, his nostrils flaring. "Enlighten me, Mr. Macnair. How can this situation be turned to our advantage?"


macnair July 28 2009, 19:16:26 UTC
Macnair resisted the urge to square his shoulders and advance upon the other man. He resisted exacting revenge for the slight that had been spoken against him. He resisted because it was Lucius.

"She seems keen that we become closer acquainted," Macnair snarled, circling him out of nervous energy. "She makes it very clear. She'd have me fuck her if she could. If you could see the things she writes, Lucius, she's like a dog on heat, I've only to say the word and she'll come panting to my aid."

Macnair stopped short in front of him, locking eyes with his friend. "I have power over her, I know it. She could be used."


herr_malfoy July 28 2009, 20:33:19 UTC
Lucius felt as though something heavy weighed on him. He ran a hand over his face, suddenly exhausted. "Forgive my rage. I have not slept this past week, and it has made me irritable."

He took a deep breath, summoning Orion back to his arm and scratching his talons in apology. "I trust you, of course," he said at length, his voice soft, meant for Macnair though his attention was on his owl. "If you say she can be used... I am inclined to believe you."

"Tread lightly," he warned, sharp eyes turning to his friend, "She is associated with the blood traitor, Bones. Some might perceive your interest in her as a weakness."


macnair July 28 2009, 22:50:06 UTC
Macnair frowned. He had considered this himself; public interest in a woman often led to some ill-formed misconception that a man had gone soft. He considered his intentions; he was sure they were entirely dishonourable.

She would not be allowed to get in the way of his plans. She must not weaken his reputation.

"It wouldn't suit her, nor I, nor us if it were made public, so I don't intend to make it so," he murmured. "She is associated with Bones. And Bones is associated with the Mudblood. There is potential for us in that alone." Not to mention her status as Prefect. Macnair reflected on how easily he might be able to operate with the Head Girl on his side.

"You're not sleeping?" he inquired of Lucius. Tension seemed to have melted away from them now, and Macnair found himself breathing a small sigh of relief. It did not suit him, this feeling of unease with his friend.


herr_malfoy July 28 2009, 22:50:50 UTC
Lucius considered her connection to the mudblood, and her status as Head Girl. Perhaps she was just useful enough to make the threat of association worth bearing. "An angle I hadn't considered," he admitted softly. "Well done, Walden."

"Sleep..." he started, his lips curling bitterly. "This lovely tattoo has ensured that sleep stays well away from me."

He checked to be sure no unwelcome eavesdroppers were nearby, then sent Orion away and pulled back his sleeve. The mark wept puss and blood, and had darkened considerably at the edges as though burning into his skin, his skin that had turned bright, infected red. "The prolonged pain is no doubt a means of testing my loyalty. And even if it is not, I cannot very well go to the nurse for a remedy."


macnair July 29 2009, 02:40:55 UTC
Macnair eyed the tattoo with open-faced envy. "Your loyalty will be proven, Lucius. Endure it, the Dark Lord will put us under worse strains before the war is won." Walden's face darkened for a moment as he decided to made a rare admission.

"I've not been selected. It concerns me. How can I prove myself more?" A muscle jumped in Walden's jaw. "I suspect Rodolphus bears the mark, too. How can Lestrange be considered more loyal than I?"

It bothered him more than he was willing to let on. He existed only to serve the Dark Lord; and yet the Dark Lord seemed to have overlooked him somehow. Walden's fists curled in frustration.


herr_malfoy July 29 2009, 03:00:18 UTC
Lucius eyed his friend with a small amount of surprise. It wasn't in Walden's nature to share any kind of feeling.

"Rodolphus," Lucius said, his lips quirking. "Think of how closely connected to the oldest Miss Black is, Walden. It seems only logical that the one she is intended to marry would bear the mark as well."

He scrutinized his friend for a minute, momentarily debating with himself before speaking again. "I have been in contact with certain people. Important people. Your name has been mentioned both by me and to me. Rest assured that they know of your name. I would expect that the holidays will be busy for you."

A subtle hint, but a hint nonetheless, accompanied by a long moment of eye contact. Walden would be contacted over the holidays, of that he could rest assured, and Lucius held little doubt that he would return to school bearing the mark.


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