Writings from today (what happens whem I'm tired)

Jun 11, 2008 22:53

So, today was an interesting day at work. I was tired, but I wrote a poem and, I'd guess you'd simply call it a paragraph.

I photographed the evidence for you but I will spell out what it is. One thing that I don't think I have photographed is when Perfecto asked me (yes, that's his real name):

tienes hermanas

una hermana (I actually thought he wrote it wrong and wanted to know if I had hermanos, so I answered the way i did)

cuántos años tiene

casi 18

¿cómo estás cuñado?

I didn't know what he was talking about first, first I had to reminded of what cuñado was, then when I told him that I don't use it that often, he said it's because I don't tell people that I have una hermana. He had to tell me, in english, that he was joking but also sending a message. I felt kind of blond at that moment.

Ok, this is the first thing I wrote.

I know a guy, his name is Perfecto
I'm sure his spanish is perfecto
Dios es perfecto
but we are not perfecto

it's only when we're in the blood that we're perfecto
the Lord chooses to forget our sins and sees us as perfecto
He wants to bring us to himself and make us perfecto
and dwell with us in his ciudad perfecta
and everything will be perfecto.

I know a guy, his name is Perfecto.

Ok, this is the other thing that I wrote.

God designed relationships. Back in the day, when poeple got married before knowing each other, they would meet, and that period at the very beginning, of johy, the feeling that everything is perfect and wonderful, twitterpated if you will. But back then, divorce was not an option. Neither was dating. So, people who married got to expereince that with one person.

Nowadayys, with dating and youth who are a slave to culture, I think a lot of kids float from one happy feeling to another. Also, moving from one person to another makes it easier to leave one relationship and go to the next one. It makes it harder to stay committed and easier to break committment. Our covenant with God is like a marriage. The Prophet _________I think Ezekiel, his wife was taken from him, but he was not permitted to mourn for her, that's all I could find. to symbolize what breaking covenant with God is like. And ultimately we need to be in a solid relationship with God before we can have one with someone else.

Wiht that, I'll leave you with some pictures of the paper towels that all this was written on. Each photo was taken at about the same time, and subjected to the same editing procedure in picasa: I'm feeling lucky, increase in the shadows and fill light, and one sharpen. One of the pictures had color balance dragged all the way over to yellow, but I forget which one. the first one was written yesterday, the rest today.

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