It's just one of thoes days...

Aug 24, 2009 21:01

It's been so long since I last updated with an actual blog post, ne?
It's just that I've been SO BUSY lately.

Our exams are finished and I managed to get good grades.
Well I'm still waiting for the results of 2 more subjects but as of now,
all the grades that I've got were good...well maybe except ALGEBRA
but that's expected. =)))))) I SUCK at ALGEBRA. :|

Right now, the things I have to do are just piling up.
But I still manage....somehow. :D

My shoulder is killing me D:
And we have softball for PE tomorrow...NOT GOOD. DDD:
I hope I don't injure myself or anything.

UWA~ It's just so busy.

But amazingly enough, I still manage to post my fics.
Speaking of my fics...I've been very active with posting fics recently, ne??
The comments I get just motivate me. URESHII!!!

Once again to all who comment on my fics....THANK YOU!!!! >:D<
Anyway, I have to get back to editing the site, which serves as our project. :D
And then eat dinner. It's so late and I haven't even eaten dinner yet.
So hungry~ But have to finish everything first. Then I have to help my lil'bro with his homework. :)

Well, I'll be going now

PS. Please visit our site.


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