Fanfic: 5 Holidays Sakuraiba Spent Together

May 05, 2010 00:47

Title: 5 Holidays Sakuraiba Spent Together
Author: irawrrx33
Pairing: Sakuraiba (if it wasn't obvious enough? [:), NinoOhMoto if you squint really really hard.
Rating: PG
Genre: Mostly fluff, with a slight slight amount of angst :P
Word Count: ~2700
Warning(s): NOT BETA-ED[well, if self-beta-ing counts..] (so be prepared to be bombed with a whole mess of grammar mistakes >:D)
Disclaimer: These two lovely men belong to JE, although.. they secretly come to my room at night ;DD *bricked*
Author's note: Phew! So I finally got around to writing! Are you proud, everyone?! ♥ Anyways this was written for Prompt#7 at the Sakuraiba-thon that's been going around recently [: Since I haven't posted a single fic since Thanksgiving, this is dedicated to all my dear friends that have encouraged me ;~; I love you !

Extra notes: The specific holidays are not mentioned beforehand for certain purposes, and they are not dated according to the correct order of anything. But, I guess they pretty much fit in with each other :X Please enjoy the ride. :)


Two men sat on the couch of a certain newscaster's apartment, both tired from the long day they had at work.

“Sho-chan,” the tall idol whispered while his head was promptly fixed upon his boyfriend's left shoulder. Aiba was sucking on a crimson red lollipop, simply licking it as he watched Sho's hands typing away on his laptop.

“Hmm?” Although he really wanted to just concentrate on his work, Sho didn't want to repeat the incident where Aiba had a fit because he felt that Sho was finding his job more important than him. It seemed a little childish to everyone around them, but the he actually found Aiba being very adorable as he lectured him whilst obviously pouting.

Aiba sat upright and stared as his lollipop while he spun it left and right with his thumb and index finger, “It's almost Easter, huh?”

“It is. Why, do you want to do something?” Sho glanced at Aiba and his eyes lingered there for a few seconds before he returned to typing.

“I don't know. What do you want to do?”

“I asked you first,” the older man chuckled.

“Well I asked you second,” placing his head back to its original position, Aiba also let out a slight giggle.

“How about I show up at your apartment; midnight of Easter day with a whole basket of lollipops?” Sho found it unusually too difficult to leave the man alone and patted his head gently with his right hand as he smiled.

Looking up at his partner with the sort of sparkle he always had in his eyes, Aiba said, “Would you really do that for me, Sho-chan?” It was obvious the latter was excited just thinking about it.

“Of course I would. I love you after all,” he closed his laptop with the sound of a small clicking noise and placed it on the table in front of him. Sho pulled Aiba close and deeply inhaled his lovely scent as he fixed his face into the crevice of his boyfriend's neck.

Aiba sighed, “I love you too, Sho-chan.”

However, things didn't really go the way Sho had planned, because at midnight of Easter day, Aiba was the one who showed up at his apartment. Carrying a basket of candy, a bag with a strawberry cake, and his eyes looking innocently into Sho's, you'd think the atmosphere was as sweet as could be, but the fact that Aiba had on a playboy-looking bunny outfit with rabbit ears positioned on his head made Sho feel a tad bit aroused down there, and thought that he would look forward to Easter every year now.


Aiba giggled at the ticklish sensation on his feet as the ocean's currents tranquilly washed up along the shore. Evening approaching, the dimmed orange sky illuminated the sands of the beach and only the sounds of waves and the flapping of the flocks of seagull's wings could be heard.

“Sho-chan, look, I found something cool!” Aiba clumsily ran through the wet, brown, rock grains beneath him and shoved a pearly pink seashell in Sho's face.

The masculine man laughed, “That's very 'cool', Masaki.” Sho swept some sand off the red and green polka-dotted towel that they laid out earlier, and patted the space next to him, signaling Aiba to come to sit; and he did just that.

“The sky sure is pretty,” Aiba closed his eyes and breathed in nature's air as a windy breeze blew through his dark brown hair.

Sho looked at his companion thoughtfully before replying, “Mmm, it sure is, huh? Hey, let's lay down and relax for a sec', I think it's almost time.” Aiba nodded in agreement and they both settled down comfortably on the soft fabric. The couple chatted, and before they grasped the situation, their surroundings were already pitch black. Startled, Aiba's heart jumped a little when a loud 'thunder' noise resounded.

The two stared above them in awe as colorful sparks of light shone on their bodies. Glowing balls of fire shot up into the dark nothingness before exploding loudly, branching out into beautiful flower-like structures. Aiba snuggled closer to Sho, seeking warmth. Slowly, but gradually, their hands found each other's, fingers intertwining firmly. As the sparks and flashes continued, smiles were painted upon their faces as they fell asleep in each other's arms.


He was getting terribly impatient. Aiba's been waiting the whole day, and nothing has happened. Not a single thing. He talked to the others about his dilemma and they just brushed him off with horribly suspicious-looking smirks. His eyes were filled with envy as Nino and Jun were both fighting to give Ohno chocolate. Sho does remember what day it was today, right?

Aiba already tried his best hinting what he desired. Giving Sho his best puppy-face didn't work, and heck he didn't even know what to do anymore. Aiba's heart dropped as Sho made no advances for any surprises of any sort. They went their separate ways as Aiba had to go shoot for Shimura Doubutsuen and Sho for News Zero. Putting up a facade, Arashi's miracle boy did his best to smile, laugh, and talk when necessary.

Tired, and obviously depressed, Aiba dropped his keys on the counter as he walked into his apartment. He closed the door behind him and walked dejectedly into his living room, but was surprised as soon as he did, because the person he least expected to be was sitting right there on his couch. A wide grin was immediately plastered across his face, “Sho-chan! Finally, I've been waiting!” He embraced him tightly and Sho felt like all the air was leaving him.

“Aiba-chan, hold on, I can't breath!” Sho gently pushed at his boyfriend. Aiba reluctantly let go and looked at Sho with anticipation. “What?” He was dumbfounded.

Sho-chan forgot after all. “Nothing, never mind. I'm going to go upstairs and change real quick,” he knew he was not sounding like his normal perky self, but he couldn't help it. Even for Sho, wasn't this a bit too cruel? Aiba sluggishly made his way up the steps, eyes looking at the ground with despair, but was completely confused and perplexed when he was met with a white piece of paper that was attached to his bedroom door. He eyed the safety pin that was taped to the paper, but just left it before reading the text.

Dear Masaki,
I'm sorry if this is going to stun you a bit. I've been thinking about this day for a very long time. I don't think we need a “special day” to confirm the words “ I love you.” We prove our love everyday in the things we do for each other, the laughs we share together, and treasure it in moments that a simple Valentine's day card or gift can never fully represent. I love you. More than you can ever imagine, forever and ever. Make good use of the safety pin, baby (:
Sakurai Sho
Although Aiba was on the verge of tears at all the sweet words that Sho had written for him, he was still puzzled at what the safety pin was for. He ripped the tape off carefully and held it eye-level wondering what was so special about it. Aiba soon found out as he turned the knob of his door. In front of his very eyes were dozens and dozens of balloons, varying in color. Be it on the wooden floors, or the ceiling, it was as if every inch of his room was covered. Aiba burst out in laughter and couldn't hold it in anymore as he ran downstairs eagerly and tackled Sho to the floor.

“I love you, Sakurai Sho! I love you!” Sho laughed as Aiba hugged him even tighter than before. They spent the rest of their evening drowning in the ocean of balloons, popping every single one of them with the safety pin. It was a moment in time Aiba knew he would never forget.


Sho noticed it immediately. Right when he walked into Arashi's dressing room, he found it strange when Aiba didn't jump on him. Instead, the man was talking away happily to Jun. Usually, Aiba would instantly be able to tell when Sho's presence was made. So why hadn't he today? Sho decided to just ignore the weird feeling and made way to the pair and sat down casually and put his left arm around Aiba's neck, “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Sho,” Jun smiled at him.

Sho awaited for Aiba's “Good morning, Sho-chan!” and a kiss, but nothing came. Instead, he roughly shook off Sho's limb and moved to continue talking to Jun again. What the hell? For the rest of the day, Aiba gave him the cold shoulder, and everyone around them knew Sho was in his I'm-currently-easily-irritated-so-don't-bother-me mood. He had enough when Aiba even ignored Sho's advances during shooting, causing plenty of trouble for all the members, and staff as well.

Sho angrily pulled Aiba into a corner, away from everyone else, and shoved him against the wall frighteningly, “What the fuck is your problem.” It was more of a statement than a question.

Aiba's choice of tone ticked Sho off even more, “Excuse me?”

Sho calmed himself, taking a deep breath, “Why have you been neglecting me all day?” His voice still had a hint of irritation, but otherwise normal.

“I want to break up,” a cold voice. At that exact instant, Sho felt as if the whole world had come and stabbed him right in the heart. Was he hearing this right? Aiba wanted to break up with him?

Sho did his best to sound natural, “F-for what reasons?”

“None. Just feel like it,” Aiba walked away heartlessly.

Sho's thoughts became blurred and he felt like he was in a daze. This was absurd. After all they've been through, this is the outcome? He made himself believe that it was alright, that he could deal with this. Suppressing it for the whole day, Arashi continued with their obligations and Sho dealt with it.

That was, until nighttime came and he found himself in front of Aiba's apartment pondering whether to ring the doorbell or not. Finally gathering the courage to do so, he pushed the small button. Getting no answer, but clearly hearing noise through the door from inside, his rage was building up again. His hands in a fist, he began frantically pounding on the door, “Masaki! Please, open the door!” No answer, but the rustlings from inside halted. “I'm not leaving here until you do!” Sho took the privilege of sitting right next to the door.

Minutes, hours passed and Sho was persistently seated in front of Aiba's apartment. Rubbing his hands together, he began to feel the freezing temperature get to him. However, the sudden slamming open of the door did rattle him a bit.

Warmth began gathering around his body as arms embraced him tightly, “Sho-chan!”

“M-Masaki? Why did you suddenly decide to cave?”

“It's midnight,” Sho felt droplets of water on the flesh of his neck. Why is he crying?

“And what exactly does that mean?”

“April 1st is over,” Aiba pulled back and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand as he sniffled.

“A-April 1st? You mean, this was all-”

Aiba nodded desperately and prepared himself for a scolding, but all Sho did wrap his arms around his neck, bringing him close, “Sho-chan?”

“Thank god. I thought you didn't need me, didn't want me anymore. Thank you, Masaki,” tears started to threateningly spill at the corner of his eyes.

“You're not mad at me, Sho-chan?”

“As long as you're here with me at this moment, I don't need anything else. Only you, Masaki.”

Aiba started to sob even more, his heart immediately filled with guilt and regret, “I'm sorry, Sho-chan. Nino dared me, and said I had to do it no matter what. I was so scared. Sho-chan~!”

“Shh.. it's alright. Don't cry. I'm here.”

“That's true. You're right here within my grasp, and we should both be grateful for that, huh?”

“Mhmm,” Sho pulled back and wiped Aiba's tears lightly with his thumbs. “Now, what have we learned today?”

“Aiba Masaki will never do a stupid thing like listening to Nino ever again!” Aiba raised his voice, and they both laughed, tears still clearly visible on their smiling faces.


“Sho-chan, it's been a heck of a year, huh?” Eyes shut, Aiba lay peacefully on Sho's lap, smile shone.

“It sure has. A lot has happened,” Sho brushed his fingers through Aiba's hair, enjoying how smooth it felt and how nice it smelled.

“You want to know a secret?” Aiba giggled.

“Hey, since when have you started keeping secrets I didn't know about?” Sho pinched Aiba's nose playfully.

“Ow-ow-ow! Let go you meanie!” Laughs filled up the room. “But, really. I'm glad that you're the one I fell in love with, Sho-chan. I'm grateful that it was you, and no other.” Sho's expression softened as he continued to listen to Aiba, “You know, there's lots and lots of people that want to rewrite their past, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I have no regrets being with you. Be it our fights or times when we happened to disagree on something, because I think it's because of the negative as well as the positive things in our relationship that has gotten us to where we are today.” Aiba opened his eyes and looked lovingly into Sho's eyes who were looking intently down into his.

“I think so too,” he never thought that Aiba would have so many thoughtful feelings bottled up inside of him. “Wouldn't have it any other way..”

A moment of silence; that's all it took for the two of them to consider each other's feelings.

“Ah, Sho-chan, look outside!” Aiba pointed a finger out the window, “It's snowing!” They watched the white flakes fall slowly down to Earth. “Cmon', let's go outside and play,” Aiba jumped off the couch and pulled the hesitant Sho out the door.

Sho watched his other with a calm expression. They were at peace, and the time of which is now is forever. There was no need to rush. The pace they were going at was completely alright. They had all the time they needed. Sho crashed to the ground as a cold force hit him square in the face, “Haha, Sho-chan, what a loser! My aim is perfect.” Aiba put both his hands on his hips, forming a very proud-looking posture.

Taking this chance, Sho hurriedly formed a snowball in his hands, “Revenge!” ..Or so it was meant to be before his snowball burst in his hands.

“I can't believe you fail at this, too!” Aiba held his stomach in laughter.

“Why, you!” Sho dashed off after Aiba and chased him all around in the snow, while it piled up inch by inch.

“Ah, Sho-chan the monster! Run away!” Sho reached him alright, but not without crashing both of them to the freezing snow below them. They panted, tired from all the running, and Aiba sighed. “I'm satisfied.”


“I can die happy as of now,” Aiba smiled and turned around to find his face right in front of Sho's.

Sho hit his head, laughing, “Idiot, if you die, what am I going to do?”

“Hmm.. you can die with me,” Aiba held out his pinky. “Want to pinky swear it?”

He couldn't resist Aiba's expert toothy grin and wrapped his pinky with his. Sho used his other hand and pulled Aiba's head closer to his, and joined their lips together, both savoring the warmth. Their pinkies never split apart.

“Merry Christmas, Masaki.”

“Merry Christmas, Sho.”

 A/N(again): Yay! So, how was it? Maybe it's horrible because I haven't written anything in so long? D: But I'm happy I wrote something at all :X The one thing I'm really trying to work on for my writing are my details x.x I always have trouble with them xP

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, and well, even if you didn't, constructive criticism is totally welcome, so please comment! :D They make me happy ^-^

Aiba-babye! ♥ 

#prompt, x:pg, g:angst, p:sakuraiba, #drabbles, g:fluff, fanfic

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