
May 21, 2006 22:00

Continued from here.

Taking a break for lunch )

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hermionesmagic May 27 2006, 05:35:24 UTC
Hermione felt herself shudder slightly when Fred whimpered and moaned, knowing that she was making the beautiful woman in front of her feel good as arosing as having her touch her. She began slowly, rubbing back and forth before moving in small circles instead. As Fred began moving her hips, Hermione ducked her head down and nuzzled her breasts through the material of her top, unable to pull it up since her other hand was trapped.

It didn't seem to matter though as she could feel Fred pushing harder against her hand. It made it a bit hard to keep her fingers in the right place, but she continued to move them, pressing harder until Fred suddenly cried out and began to shake. Hermione looked up at her in awe, feeling her throbbing against her hand.

She held her as she rode out her orgasm and then slowly pulled her hand out of Fred's jeans, smelling her come on her fingers, the scent heady and amazing. "I don't know how this happened between us so fast," she whispered. "But I'm glad it has. You're amazing and lovely, Fred, and there's just something about you. After everything with Connor is taken care of, I want to stay with you."


crazy_lil_fred May 27 2006, 06:36:04 UTC
Fred was blissfully happy and laid there with her eyes closed. When Hermione started to speak, she smiled. "You too Hermione," she murmured. But when Hermione said she wanted to stay, Fred's eyes flew open. She looked at the other woman for a long moment before smiling. "I want you to stay with me too. I don't think I can handle not being without you."

Fred smirked a little and kissed Hermione's lips. "That sounded a little stalk-y but I meant it. I really do want you here with me, Hermione," she murmured against the other woman's lips.

There was a knock at the door and Fred rolled her eyes. "I'll get it," she said as she stood. She zipped and buttoned her jeans up before answering down. "Hey, Wesley."

"Hi. I'm done speaking to Angel and Groo. They're downstairs getting the weapons ready. There's still a bit of time before sundown but I thought we could leave before then and go back to the spot where the first portal was opened. We could use the time to get things ready. Groo and Angel are coming through the sewers," he said before glancing at Hermione and back at Fred. "You look a little flushed Fred. Are you ill?"

Fred blushed and shook her head. "No… I just… we'll be ready soon and we'll meet you downstairs, okay?" she said.

Wesley furrowed his brow before looking at the girls again. "All right," he said before turning and walking off.

Fred shut the door and started to giggle. "Oh god! I met Angel heard us!" she said, giggling even louder.


hermionesmagic May 27 2006, 21:37:53 UTC
Hermione grinned at Fred's reaction to her wanting to stay there with her. She knew she had three months break from Moonstar at the moment, so that wasn't going to be too much of a problem in the short run, but she had a feeling this was going to last much, much longer than just the summer. "I'll work something out with Moonstar when the time comes," she promised before giving her another kiss.

When the knock came on the door, Hermione let Fred go with a sigh and turned on her back, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before pushing herself off the bed and zipping up her trousers. She ran her fingers through her hair, listening while Wesley spoke to Fred, telling her their plan to go back to the place where the portal had originally been opened. It was a good idea - opening a tear to another dimension would be easier in a place where a tear had already been made.

Wesley asking Fred about being flushed, however, made Hermione freeze. Oh, Merlin - he had to know now what they had been doing. She hoped that he didn't think she was...or that he didn't tell Rupert. Oh, that was the last thing she needed. Not that she was ashamed by feeling this way about Fred. Not in the least. She just knew that Rupert would never let her live it down.

She looked over at Fred when she shut the door and suddenly burst out giggling, saying that Angel had probably heard them. Hermione felt a blush spread over her cheeks at that. She had completely forgotten about vampire hearing, she had been so caught up in what she had been doing with Fred. "Hopefully, he...he was too distracted," she said with a nervous laugh. "You don't think he'd--oh, bloody hell..."

She shook her head, knowing that it was definitely too late now to be worrying about whether they had been heard. If they had, they had been. Picking up her jacket, she put it on and then grabbed her wand. "I guess we'd better go down and meet up with Wesley and the others."

Walking over to Fred, she reached up to cup her face. "Are you all right? With all this? I don't want to cause any problems for you with your friends."


crazy_lil_fred May 27 2006, 23:42:22 UTC
Fred saw the blush on Hermione's face and frowned a little. "Don't worry about it. Angel is the last person to say anything about someone else's sex life. He tends to skim over that subject, even when Charles stops by bragging about Gwen and him. Angel tends to run for the hills because sex seems to make him squirm for some reason," she said.

She watched as Hermione put her jacket on and decided to do the same. They had a long night ahead of them and needed to get a start on things. Fred was in the middle of putting a couple of her personal stakes in her pockets when Hermione approached her. When the other woman cupped her face, Fred pressed into it.

"No, it won't be a problem with them," she said. Fred closed the gap between them and softly kissed Hermione's lips. She wanted more but knew they needed to go downstairs. "We better get down there."

Fred took Hermione's hand and walked her out of the room and down the stairs. Wesley, Groo and Angel were checking over the weapons. When they saw Fred and Hermione, all of them stopped and looked at them. "Anything we can do with the weapons?" Fred asked.

Wesley handed her a crossbow and small sword. "I want you have more than one weapon because it's hard telling what'll come out of the portal," he said. He handed Hermione the scroll and looked at Groo and Angel. "I do suppose the girls and I will leave now and meet you two in a bit."

"We'll be there," Angel merely said before he went back to looking through the weapons.


hermionesmagic May 28 2006, 02:41:01 UTC
Hermione was a bit relieved to hear that Angel was discrete when it came to hearing about other people's sex lives. It was still a bit weird to think that someone could overhear them without even being in the same room, but that could be taken care of easily enough. She'd have to remember to cast a silencing charm next time.

She smiled at Fred after they kissed one last time then wrapped her hand around hers. She felt a bit on display when they joined the others on the first floor in the lobby, but pushed it aside, knowing that with everything that was going on, that was least thing to feel strange about.

She took the scroll from Wesley, opening it for a moment to look over the words. She wanted to be able to do the spell from memory, so she read them over and over several times. When Wesley said that they should leave, she rolled the scroll back up and put it in her pocket with her wand, taking Fred's hand again as they went out to Wesley's SUV.

The ride over to the industrial area was quiet, and by the time they reached the place where Sahjhan had originally opened the portal, the sun was just going down. Getting out of the car, Hermione looked around for a few moments and then walked over to a spot.

"He cast the spell here," she said. "I can feel it."

She took the scroll and her wand out again, opening the scroll to read over the words again, committing them to memory. The sun then completely disappeared, so she tucked the scroll away as Angel and Groo appeared, crossing the lot to join them.

"All right, I don't know exactly how this is going to affect me, so I want everyone to stand back. At least until I've cast." Hermione looked over at Fred and gave her a nervous smile before raising her wand. "Lekko najine forkahdio."

Suddenly, the wind picked up around them, whipping Hermione's hair into her face as a rip appeared in the air several feet away. Quickly, it widened until is was almost five meters across and five meters wide. An angry red sky could be seen through the opening while the edges crackled with orange and yellow electricity.

A lash of electricity whipped out towards her, and Hermione felt power draining from her. "Angel, Groo, hurry! I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold this!"


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