
May 21, 2006 22:00

Continued from here.

Taking a break for lunch )

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crazy_lil_fred May 22 2006, 20:12:22 UTC
Fred had a million questions she wanted to ask Hermione but decided to save them for another time. Instead, she kept her hand on Hermione's back as they watched the girl make their sandwiches. When she was finished, Fred paid for them and took the bag from the counter. She then took Hermione's hand and smiled.

"There's a park down the street we can eat at. There's a few secluded places if you wanted to talk without being disturbed," Fred answered, knowing she'd suggested it because she wanted to be alone with Hermione for a while before they went back to the hotel.

She led Hermione out and down the sidewalk. The park was only a block away and when they got there, Fred took Hermione to a small grove of trees that were off to the side. Once they were through the trees, there was a large patch of shaded grass that couldn't be seen from the park. "I sometimes come here when I need to get out of the hotel and don't want to be bother," Fred explained.

She slowly let go of Hermione's hand and sat down. After opening the bag, she took out her sandwich and then handed Hermione her sandwich before handing her some napkins. Fred took a small bite of her sandwich and smiled. "So good," she said before tearing off a small space and holding it out to Hermione. "Want a bite?"


hermionesmagic May 22 2006, 21:56:18 UTC
Hermione nodded at Fred's suggestion of the park - it sounded perfect, especially since it was such a beautiful day. She loved the idea of sitting somewhere secluded with her, surrounded by trees and nature.

When they reached the park, Fred led them to a small grove, and Hermione smiled when she saw that it was indeed private. It was perfect. Better even that Harry's invisibility cloak or any number of the spells she could have cast because this was nature's own magic.

"I can see why you'd want to come here," Hermione told her as she sunk down into the grass, drawing her legs up underneath her and looking up toward the tops of the trees. "It looks the perfect place to meditate or think or..."

She stopped as her mind when to other places, other things she could imagine doing with Fred there. Trying to push it aside, she instead took her sandwich from Fred and unwrapped it to take a bite. It was good - she was definitely hungry after having not eaten all day although Fred's presence was just as satiating in many ways.

When she offered her a small piece of her taco sub, Hermione immediately wanted to lean over and eat it directly from her hand, but she forced herself to stay where she was and take the piece from her with her hand. She then popped it into her mouth. "It is very good," she said with a smile. "I'm definitely going to have to have tacos sometime. Maybe you can..."

Hermione suddenly couldn't sit there any longer, looking at her like this, so many wants and urges running rampant through her mind. She had to know...she needed to...wanted to feel...

"Fred, I..." Unable to finish her sentence, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against hers. It was a gentle kiss, unlike the ones she ever had with Viktor, but she experienced a million times more feelings now with Fred than she ever had with him. Pulling back, she looked into her eyes. "Oh, Merlin, I...I'm sorry...I hope you're not...I just had to do that..."


crazy_lil_fred May 22 2006, 22:26:35 UTC
Fred was glad that Hermione liked the sandwich. It seemed everyone else at the hotel was sick of tacos but now she could introduce the other woman to the goodness of them. When Hermione started to speak though, Fred stopped eating and looked at her, waiting for her to finish her thought.

She furrowed her brow, wondering what Hermione was trying to get at. Fred didn't have to wait long though and soon she felt the other woman's lips on her. When Hermione pulled back, Fred almost whimpered. She wanted more. Licking her tingling lips, she gave the other woman a small smile. "It's okay," she quietly said as she sat her sandwich down. "But it was too short."

Fred raised her hand up and cupped the side of Hermione's face before leaning forward. She pressed her lips against hers and felt a bolt of electricity run down her spine. Fred held the kiss, loving the feel of Hermione's soft lips against hers. She had never kissed another woman before but it felt so right. Hermione's lips were soft, unlike a man's, and she smelled good too.

When she needed to breathe, Fred slowly pulled away but kept her hand cupped to Hermione's face. "That was…" she started as a blush ran over her cheeks. "That was very nice. Can we do it again?"


hermionesmagic May 23 2006, 02:05:11 UTC
Hermione felt the tenseness in her muscles immediately melt away when Fred told her that it was okay that she had kissed her. She had never acted this way before. Never. Even with Viktor, it had been several months before she had agreed to kiss him. With Fred, she wanted to kiss her and hold her and just find out everything there was to know about her.

So when Fred told her the kiss had been too short and leaned back to her to kiss her again, she met her partway, closing her eyes at the feel of her lips. It was so nice, so soft, so wonderful. She had never pictured herself kissing another woman. In fact, she really never pictured herself kissing anyone. But now she could definitely see herself kissing Fred. Over and over and over again.

When they parted, Hermione opened her eyes again when she felt Fred's hand on her face, looking into her brown eyes. They were really beautiful, she found herself thinking - warm and expressive.

She then smiled when Fred asked her question. "Yes, I think we should most certainly do that again," she whispered.

Within moments, they were kissing again as a breeze picked up, rustling the leaves in the trees around them. Nature's magic. It was in the breeze and in Fred's kiss. Hermione could feel it.

When they parted again, Hermione reached over to rest her hand on Fred's knee. "I wish we could just do this for the rest of the afternoon, but we have a responsibility back at the hotel."


crazy_lil_fred May 23 2006, 02:56:04 UTC
If Fred had her way Hermione and her would spend the rest of the day kissing, but Hermione was right and they needed to get some more research done. "As anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Fred asked as she looked at the other woman. "You have the most beautiful eyes and smile and lips." She leaned forward, wanting to kiss the other woman again but stopped. "Research. We must research."

Fred removed her hand from Hermione's face and reached down to pick up her sub. "Ick," she muttered when she saw a large beetle crawling toward it. She flicked it away with the sub and sighed. "I hate those things. They're the same bugs that we saw down in Sahjhan's lair. Pretty gross." She picked up her sub and placed it back in the bag before looking at Hermione again.

"That's where Justine put him in at the urn at," she explained as she stood and wiped the grass off her jeans. "We followed him there after he opened the portal that Holtz jumped through." Fred looked down at Hermione and held out a hand to help her up.


hermionesmagic May 23 2006, 04:35:21 UTC
Hermione felt herself blushing at Fred's compliment - it made her want to pull her back to her and kiss her again, but she refrained since they really did have to get back to the hotel and finish their research. If Connor really was in a dimension where time moved at a different rate, every moment could turn out to be crucial.

She was picking up her own sandwich to rewrap it and take back to the hotel with her when Fred made the comment about the bug on hers being the same as in the lair of the demon that had sent Connor and the man who had kidnapped him to Quortoth. She furrowed her brow at this, thinking for a moment as Fred reached down to help her up.

"Fred, do you know where this lair is?" she asked. "I mean, would either you or Wesley be able to find it again? Because if that was where he lived, and Justine surprised him when she put him in the urn, then if he had anything there, he probably left it behind. And if he stole the scroll that was found describing how to get there, it might still be there."


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