(no subject)

Aug 16, 2010 20:19

I had a dream last night where I auditioned for some kind of Glee-club, got the leading roll in a play and then me and Matt Bomer made out a little. Mmmm, Matt Bomer.

Two feelings that feel exactly the same to me: Having a Crush and Being Nervous. They feel the same, they affect me the same. Is it like this for everybody?

When my crush is good and I feel like "Yay, this person likes me too, this could totally go somewhere", it's the same as when I look forward to something exciting, yet kinda scary.

When a crush is bad and I feel neglected and lame, it's the same as dreading something.

The feelings are all mixed up right now. I have a this fake driving test, that's supposed to show where I'm at, and I should be basically ready to take the real test. I'm nervous because I did it before, 2 weeks ago, and it went awful. And there's this boy at work who I'm crushing on pretty hard and he's so charming. I'M NOT SURE I LIKE THESE FEELINGS. uuuuuughh.

my boring life

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