oh my god you look like a frog

Aug 14, 2010 00:40

- I haven't posted anything in 5 weeks (not counting big bang), woops? I've spent the last 3 weeks working (only one more week to go!). I work at cemetery, which is a lot less creepy than it sounds. It's basically cutting the grass and removing weeds. It is, however, full of spiders! I strongly dislike spiders.

Before work started I went to Germany and then I was out boating for about a week.

- I SAW HARRY AND THE POTTERS YESTERDAY. It was magical, omg! They've had their first Scandinavian tour and it ended yesterday in Stockholm and I was there and it was amazing. I was expecting a good time with a room full of HP nerds and fun music, and it was all that and so much more. They were such rock stars, man, it blew my mind. They'd learned a bunch of Swedish, they sang Små Grodorna! And there were people in crowd that had been to more than 6 shows so they knew all the sing-along parts and really got the whole crowd going. Harry and the Potters were never my favorite wrock band, but they kinda are now? Idk, I fell in love!

- I feel like the only person who doesn't immediately want the bury myself in Inception fandom. I absolutely adored the movie, and I have giggled endlessly at the macros posted on my f-list, but I have no desire to read fic at all. I'm kind of amazed at how big Inception fandom is, I've never seen anything like it based on a movie. I've never been in a fandom based on a movie.

- I'm going to a party/barbecue/idk with my coworkers tomorrow. It'll probably be fun and awkward and weird. There'll be a bunch more people than I've actually worked with this summer, and I tend to be quiet anyways. I'm excited to see how people look outside of work and hopefully lots of people will get drunk and it will no longer be too awkward. There's this one guy who has a super pretty face, but I've only ever seen him in work pants and white t-shirts, I want to see how he normally dresses!

- The O on my keyboard keeps falling off, goddammit! 

my boring life, movies, music

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