Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah

Apr 24, 2010 22:26


Yesterday I watched the original Parent Trap from 1961 with my friends. I'd never seen it before, but the remake with Lindsay Lohan is one of my favorite movies! I saw it at the cinema with my cousin when I was like 6, and later on me and my friends used to watch it aalllll the time. We'd pretend to Annie and Hallie and act out the movie, but we didn't know any English so we'd read the subtitles and say them in Swedish in the exact same tone as Lindsay! Ah, so much fun. We watch that movie every now and again, because it's so sweet and nostalgic. And the old one was pretty fun as well!

Other things that have happened since my last post:

- I turned 18. Now I can legally drink and smoke and drive a car.

-My sisters was home home for a few days! She lives in Germany, and it's always nice to have her back. My mom bought us matching t-shirt and made us pose for a picture wearing them, so here's a silly photo:

Johanna to the left, me to the right (with the crazy smile, lol).

3 wallpapers: (Adam Lambert, Johnny Weir, Miley Cyrus)

my boring life, movies, art: wallpapers

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