I'm really sad that the skating season is over! I had so much fun during Worlds, and it was the first competition I've watched, I WANT MORE. Still, after Worlds I feel like less of a douche in this fandom. I got into it because of Johnny Weirs' personality and didn't really care about the skating, but now I feel like I actually know what I'm talking about! And I care a lot, enough to wine about over-scoring and corrupt judges! I even watched a bit of the women.s free skate and the gala yesterday (Brian Joubert was sooo good).
Three more day 'til Easter break. I can do it! (Although I did a crappy chemistry test today /o\. I hope I passed!)
You should all check out
this post by
agirlnamedfia, concerning incest. It discusses why people like/don't like it and the difference between fiction and reality. The post itself is mostly concerning Joe/Nick Jonas, but any incest pairing is relevant. So far all the comments have been very interesting, you should leave your own thought to the discussion!