(no subject)

Jul 12, 2009 21:36

 I can't get my head around Panic at the Disco.

I do not like the demo clip of Oh Glory. It's too techno-y and bad and it killed my excitement for what this band will bring in the future. I can see how it's a bit Fever- inspired with the up-beat, but it's not like Fever at all. But; it's just 30 seconds of a demo that will probably turn out entirely different ,and I'm trying really hard not to judge their whole record based on 30 seconds. I trust them to do good music, I really do.

The exclamation mark is also bothering me, because that's how lame I am. When they dropped it on the last record they got endless amounts of questions about it and everybody was so sick of hearing about it. What's the point in bringing it back now, they'll get tons of questions again! Plus now I'll have to change their name on itunes again. (But it's just an !, so who gives a fuck.)

And in all this I am so in love with Brendon Urie. That kid is the most happy, precious thing I have ever seen!


Also, HELLO EVERYBODY! I've been gone for the last four days! I got back today from Hultsfred festival, which was 4 days full of music! AWESOME, I TELL YOU. But rainy and cold!

And I'm going to bed right now because I am soo tired and my body hurts. See ya tomorrow <3.

panic at the disco, music

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