A falling out we won't toptoe about...

Jul 07, 2009 12:29

 Panic at the Disco split up. Jon and Ryan left the band. My mind is bogging. SHIT. WTF. My favorite band is now a 2-man-band! I AM SAD AND FEELING VERY WEIRD. And just, what the heck is happening now?

I didn't have favorites in this band, except for how Ryan Ross was my least favorite because he is such a jerk but I loved him for it anyway. And Jon is made of awesome, Panic just lost a lot of awesome.

And according to Pete the new album (that is what, written by only Brendon and Spencer?) is more like AFYCSO than Pretty. Odd. What does that mean? That PO was more Ryan and Jon's thing? But what about the 2 songs that Brendon wrote? Will the new album be full of songs like those? Because I could live with that. Brendon's songs are gorgeous.

Arghhh. This is a sad day. Or yesterday was. Or maybe I will mourn this entire week.

But I don't blame them, and I have faith in that they will continue to do great music. And I am very very interested in what Ryan and Jon will do now. And there's still a new Panic album coming, and I trust that it will be great. But it's so WEIRD. :(

Man, I remember when PO came out and I was so excited about the new direction and excited about where they would go in the future and I thought they would make a third album that was entirely different. And they seemed such good friends and happy with each other and now they're not. And 2 of them are leaving! If it was just Ryan I could see it so much easier because he's a douche bag and probably way too controlling when it comes to music and stuff. But Jon Walker!

I don't even know.

I sort of wish that Brendon and Spencer would change the name now, Panic! at the Disco sounds so lame and they're not really patd without Jon and Ryan.


things i don't like, panic at the disco

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