I've got some projects to work on the next few days - mostly to do with
_augustmoon...I wonder, is there any way to convert a single user journal into a community? I didn't think about this when I created the journal, but I love the name so much, and I hate to have to move everything I've started over there to a new spot. Put this on the to do list. Plus, I want to play about with some layouts again. Bored. Easily bored. But I'm too sleepy to start anything tonight - alas, I've been up since 4:00 AM, so I'm beat. Tomorrow afternoon I have a dentist appointment, another two hour chunk. This time it's cavity fillings. I've found that they are going to take out my last wisdom tooth on my last visit - I was hoping they were going to, it's finally starting to come in, and it's painful. They say when your last wisdom tooth comes in, half of your life is over. I wonder where that "old wive's tale" came from??
I've been pondering a writing project.
But we'll see. I'm stumbling off to bed, because this is rambling going nowhere, at its best. G'night.