Stamped as Dorothy & Marty // Fantasy Movies 2000's!

May 30, 2010 22:09

Name: Kelly
Stamped as: Dorothy Gale and Marty McFly
Would you prefer a [ ] female [ ] male [ ] don’t care or [X] both stamps?

getting to know you
Positive characteristics: Sweet, compassionate, friendly, fiercely loyal, independent, smart
Negative characteristics: Slightly shy and withdrawn (shyer around strangers and withdrawn about some feelings), a procrastinator, indecisive, sarcastic
Neutral characteristics: Umm... idealistic and introverted? I'm REALLY bad at picking out adjectives for myself.
Favorite things: Books, reading, writing, watching movies, movies in general, music, shopping, ballet flats, purses, pearls, lilies, stars, flowers, snow, rain, being with my friends and family, my dog, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, traveling, animals, Disney, Harry Potter, Audrey Hepburn, things that are pink!
Dislikes: Ticks, deep water, gum chewing and other loud, obnoxious chewing sounds, beets, sounds people make when they sleep, taking naps, people who are arrogant jerks and people who put down others just because they are different, and when people complain about things but don't bother to do anything to fix it.
What is your least favorite fantasy movie from the list? Of the ones I've seen, I would say The Hot Chick (hey, it was on the list!), Scooby-Doo, Nanny McPhee and The Shaggy Dog. And though I loved the book, I wasn't a huge fan of the movie version of Inkheart.

this or that
Pick one or the other; or both; or neither, just explain!
Brave/Safe: Brave, but not reckless.
Leader/Follower: I don't consider myself to be much of a leader, but I will step up if I need to. However, I'm not going to do something just because everyone else is.
Proud/Humble: Humble.
Compassionate/Insensitive: Definitely compassionate!
Intellectual/Physical: Intellectual.
Fighter/Lover: Lover!
Thinker/Doer: I'm a bit of both, I think.
Gentle/Callous: Gentle
Optimistic/Pessimistic/Idealistic/Realistic: I'm an optimist with pessimistic tendencies, and I'm idealistic with a sense of reality.
Believer/Skeptic: It depends on what I'm believing in. I'm a believer, but I'm not naive.
Tranquil/Hot-Tempered: Tranquil, my temper rarely comes through.
Worrier/Carefree: It depends! I worry a lot about school stuff, and I worry if my friends are unhappy, but can also be very laid-back.
Just/Merciful: That's tough because I believe in both, but I think you should show some mercy.
Steady/Changing: More steady, I think.
Passionate/Reserved: Well, I can be very reserved around other people but I'm very passionate about the things I like and care about.
Open/Secretive: It depends, I'm a little of both!
Rule Follower/Rule Breaker: More of a follower but I won't hesitate to break or bend the rules if they're stupid.

tell me more, tell me more
You get to star in your own fantasy movie! Now is it a fantasy-type movie or a fantasy-in-your-head movie? Whatever.
What time period is your movie set in? Either modern day or medieval times, or in the Victorian period.
Who are your friends/team members? Either other humans the same age as I am, or magical creatures. Or both!
Can you do magic? I would like to.
What do you look like? What do you wear? Something pretty, but non-constricting and comfortable.
Ideally, how old would you be? Probably around the same age I am right now, 21. :)
What's the villain like? Scary and seemingly all-powerful, but he has one big weakness that will ultimately cause his defeat.
To defeat the above villain, what weapon would you use? I'd use magic, as well as intelligence and wit to defeat the villain!
What the point of this whole movie? Defeat the bad guy? Find the treasure? To defeat the bad guy and restore peace and harmony to the world, aww.
Do you find true love? Yes! ♥
Does your movie have a sub-genre? Comedy, romance, drama? Romance with some comedy as well.

filling out forms
Pick any that appeal to you.
[X] magic
[ ] power
[/] nature
[X] love
[X] passion
[x] warmth
[ ] cold
[X] animals
[ ] lost
[ ] found
[X] voyage
[/] home
[ ] dragons
[ ] monsters
[ ] glory
[X] mystery
[X] life
[ ] death

Anything else? Nope, thanks for reading and voting!

Please list 3 people that you have voted for!

[Voters: The options for this theme are here.]

[fantasy 2000], theme: fantasy 2000: giselle, theme: fantasy 2000: max

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